Department ofMechatronics
Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary technical field that combines executive mechanical elements with electronics and computer control.
The Chair of Mechatronics covers the following scientific, research and didactic areas of mechatronics:
- control technology,
- electrical machinery,
- electric motor drives,
- encoders and actuators,
- industrial and power electronics,
- microprocessor technology,
- programmable controls,
- mechanics and materials
- fuel cells.
Predmeti iz področja delovanja katedre so vključeni v stari univerzitetni študijski program ter prenovljeni (bolonjski) program obeh stopenj. Enako velja za visokošolski strokovni študij po starem in novem programu.
The Chair strives for an intensive implementation of the above knowledge in production practice and is always closely involved in concrete industrial projects.