Regulation and Control Techniques

Subject description

Introduction. Control system theory. Examples of control systems in chemical technology, electrical engineering robotics, etc. Feedback control paradigm. The effects of feedback loop. Comparison between open-loop and closed-loop control systems.

Composition of the feed-back control loop. Basic elements of the loop. Study of proportional, integral and derivative dynamical elements and their functionality in closed-loop control systems. Continuous and discrete controllers. PID controllers. Design of the PID controller. Root locus and its use in the design of the control loop. Examples of multi-loop control systems, bump-less transfer solution and anti-wind up solution.

Simulation of control systems in program framework Matlab and Matlab-Simulink. Examples of modelling, simulation and control using Matlab-Simulink.

Practical realization of different control systems on laboratory pilot plants.

Introduction to combinatorial and sequential logic. Programmable logic controllers (PLCs). Practical implementation of sequential control on Modular Production System (MPS) using PLCs.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

Students must master basic knowledge in control theory, main principles of control design of dynamical systems and life cycles of control systems.

Teaching and learning methods

The lectures provide a theoretical background and are, for easier understanding of the particular subjects, supported by different practical examples. A complete study material is available to the students. Practical work is carried out in the laboratory. The students perform different tasks using simulation examples, which are followed by experimentation on real pilot plants and instrumentation. In the end of the semester, the students prepare a report about their work in the frame of laboratory practice.

Expected study results

Basic knowledge of control systems design and their implementation on simulation examples and laboratory pilot plants.

After successful completion of the course, students should be able to:

  • develop mathematical models of different real processes and transform them to different forms (differential equations, transfer functions, state space),
  • describe concepts of continuous and sequential control,
  • describe the concept of feedback control and its effects,
  • develop proper control structures when using openloop and closed-loop control and analyse them,
  • describe multiloop control concepts,
  • implement continuous control concepts on real systems,
  • implement sequential control concepts on real systems.

Basic sources and literature

V. Logar. Regulacijska tehnika. Zapiski predavanj. Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 2016.

B. Zupančič. Zvezni regulacijski sistemi 1. del, 3. izdaja,  Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 2007.

S. Oblak, I. Škrjanc, Matlab s Simulinkom : priročnik za laboratorijske vaje, 1. izdaja, Univerza v  Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 2005.

S. Strmčnik, R.Hanus, Đ. Juričić, R. Karba, Z. Marinšek, D.Murray-Smith, H. Verbruggen, B. Zupančič, Celostni pristop k računalniškemu vodenju procesov, 1. izdaja, Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, 1998.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411