Subject description
Electrical installations and lighting are the part of electrical engineering that practically everyone deals with every day. Therefore, their knowledge is almost mandatory for an electrical engineer. This course provides the knowledge of low-voltage electrical installations and lighting necessary for the successful design, good execution, proper testing and safe use of both installations and lighting. The following topics are covered: Electrical installations and legislation, Elements of electrical installations, Dimensioning of conductors, Protection of electrical installations, Electrical hazards and protection against electric shock, Intelligent electrical installations, Effect of light on humans, Basic physics of light and photometry, Lighting with artificial light, Interior lighting design, Safety lighting, Electrical installation design, Road lighting. Practical work on conventional and intelligent installations and on the design and measurement of installations and lighting is presented in the context of tutorials.
The subject is taught in programs
Objectives and competences
Student will know the legality of technical regulations and standardization as well as normative acts in force in the area of electrical installations and lighting. He/she will be aware of the dangers of electricity and will know the principles of protection against electric shock. Student will learn how important lighting is for humans and he/she will know the basics of lighting techniques. Student will also know the state of the art in electrical installations and lighting; the methods for planning of electrical installations and lighting and how to use appropriate tools in the planning process. He/she will be able to perform measurements of electrical installations and lighting. He/she will understand the principles of sustainable construction and be able to design and maintain electrical installations and lighting in accordance with principles of sustainability.
Teaching and learning methods
Lectures, laboratory exercises.
Expected study results
After successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
- list the elements of electrical installations;
- make a project of simple electrical installation;
- make a project of simple lighting installation;
- carry out basic installation work;
- verify the correctness of carried out installation by examination and measurements;
- assess the adequacy of lighting system with help of measurements of illuminance;
- apply the principles of sustainable construction in the design, implementation and maintenance of electrical installations and lighting.
Basic sources and literature
- BIZJAK, Grega, KOBAV, Matej Bernard, PRELOVŠEK, Mitja. Razsvetljava : učbenik za poglavja o razsvetljavi pri predmetih Električne inštalacije in razsvetljava, Nizkonapetostne električne inštalacije, Elektrotehnika in varnost, Svetlobna tehnika. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba FE in FRI, 2013
- RAVNIKAR, Ivan. Električne inštalacije: električne inštalacije zgradb skladno z družino standardov SIST HD 60364. Ljubljana: Agencija Poti, 2010, ISBN 978-961-90747-5-6
- BASTIAN, Peter et al. Elektrotehniški priročnik. Ljubljana: Tehniška založba Slovenije, 2013, ISBN 978-961-251-330-6
- KASIKCI, Ismail. Projektirung von Niederspannungsanlagen. München/Heidelberg: Hüthig & Pflaum Verlag, 2010, ISBN 978-3-8101-0274-4
- CADICK, John e tal. Electrical Safety Handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2005, ISBN 0-07-145772-0
VAN BOMMEL, Wout. Interior Lighting, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019, ISBN 978-3-030-17194-0,