There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.

Below you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions. If you still need help, just email us at tutorstvo@fe.uni-lj.si.

The physics course for the first semester is now called Mechanics and Thermodynamics or Mechanics and Heat. Lectures are held at 26 Jadranska ulica 26 in the Peterlin Pavilion.

In the first week, there are already regular lectures according to the timetable. The timetables and group schedules are published on the Faculty’s website.

As a rule, lectures come first. Then, at the first lecture in each subject, you will find out all about the tutorials. So, there are no auditorium or laboratory tutorials until the first lecture in each course.

The timetable of courses offered at the FRI can be found here.

For the timetable of courses offered at the FE click here.

For notifications on the execution of individual courses, please contact:

Exam entries and grades for all courses can be viewed in Studis FE.

In accordance with the legislation and the Statutes of the University of Ljubljana, a student may repeat a programme of study only once during the period of study, and any change of the programme of study due to failure to fulfil the requirements of the previous programme of study (transfer to another programme of study or course of study) is also considered to be a repetition.

To re-enrol in the first year, the student must have completed the requirements of the first year to a minimum of 30 credits (ECTS).

To re-enrol in the second year, the student must complete all the requirements of the first year (60 credits) and the requirements of the second year of at least 30 credits (ECTS).

It is not possible to repeat the last year.

Repetition for justified reasons (“conditional repetition”) is not possible according to the provisions of the UL Statutes.

If you are not able to repeat your course, you should arrange to become a student that has taken a year off – that is, a student with no status. You can take failed exams, but there is a fee.

If you want to do an exchange abroad (for a semester or two), you need to apply in time for the call for applications – usually in December for the following academic year. Otherwise, you can contact Katarina Erjavec (01 7468 209) or katarina.erjavec@fe.uni-lj.si during office hours .

If you don’t go to the exam and you disenroll on time, the professor will give you a negative mark (if you haven’t made other arrangements with him/her). There used to be so-called “returned applications”, which are no longer available!

Electives cannot be changed.

Upon enrolment, everyone is strictly instructed to check and enquire about the course they are about to take. Subsequent changes are not possible.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E:  dekanat@fe.uni-lj.si T:  01 4768 411