Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering II

Subject description

Magnetic field. Current element. Ampere’s law of magnetic force. Magnetic flux density. Biot-Savart law. Magnetic flux. Gauss law of magnetic field. Ampere’s circuital law. Lorentz force. Moving charge in electromagnetic field. Torque and work of magnetic force. Magnetic dipole. Magnetic material and magnetic field. Magnetization. Magnetic field strength. Permeability. Boundary conditions of magnetic field. Magnetomotive force. Scalar magnetic potential. Elements of magnetic circuits.

Faraday induction law. Electromotive force voltage and electric field, Stokes’ theorem of electric field. Motional and transformer electromotances. Magnetic flux linkage. Self and mutual inductances. Coils and coupled coils. Magnetic field energy. Lifting force. Electromagnets. Displacement current. Maxwell’s equations.

AC electric circuits. Sinusoidal steady-state electric circuits and analysis in complex domain: phasors, impedance and admittance, complex power. Oscillators. Resonance. Theorems. Transformer. Three-phase circuits. Transients.

The subject is taught in programs

Electrical engineering 1st level

Objectives and competences

To acquire fundamental knowledge on magnetic field, induced field as well as AC electric circuits, three phase systems and transient circuit analysis. The acquired knowledge serves as a basis for further electrotechnical studies.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures are used to teach students the basic theory of electrical engineering from the course Content and use additional practical examples to elaborate on it. In lectures also demonstration experiments are used together with computer animations. Some computer tools are presented that are used in computation and visualization of electric fields.

At the tutorials (exercises) the students elaborate further the problems by solving specific tasks / cases with analytical solutions.

Laboratory exercises include preparations where students get acquainted with work to be performed in a laboratory, homework, where students independently solve the pre-prepared case and additional literature studies and experimental work in the laboratory, where they prepare experiments according to the instructions and describe the experimental results

Expected study results

After successfully passed exam the student should be able to:

  • Be acquainted with basic quantities used to describe magnetic phenomena, transient phenomena, AC ciruits and three phase systems
  • Be familiar and able to use the relations between the quantities in mathematical (equations) and graphical presentation
  • Use the relations for analytical calculations
  • Be capable of use of some computer tools (such as Matlab, Octave, Python, …) to plot the analytical expressions in a graph
  • Use a computer tool to calculate distribution of magnetic field and present it graphically
  • use instructions to prepare and run real experiments, observe and analyse data and draw conclusions

Basic sources and literature

  1. I. Fajfar, J. Olenšek: Osvojimo C – C89, C99 in primeri programiranja mikrokrmilnikov, Založba FE, 2020
  2. S. G. Kochan: Programming in C (4th Edition), 2014
  3. K. N. King: C Programming – A Modern Approach, 2008
  4. H. Schildt: Teach Yourself C, McGraw-Hill, 1997
  5. R. P. Halpern: C for Yourself: Learning C Using Experiments, Oxford University Press, 1997
  6. How C Programming Works (

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411