Subject description
The subject comprehensively covers microcontroller systems, including technology, architecture, core structure, and peripheral devices. Within each topic, students are introduced to detailed implementations of the most widespread families of microcontrollers, such as Intel 8051, Microchip AVR and PIC, Texas MSP430, and ARM. The subject emphasizes understanding and practical use of basic and advanced peripheral units, such as input-output lines, timers, counters, and analog units (including comparators, references, and A/D and D/A converters), control circuits, interrupt systems, parallel and serial communication buses. All covered theoretical content is applied by students in laboratory exercises using MiŠKo3 development systems, which contain an STM32G474 microcontroller with all necessary supporting electronics, such as debugger, buttons, LEDs, joystick, color graphic display, and USB interface for communication and power supply.
The subject is taught in programs
Objectives and competences
To achieve deep understanding of microcontroller based electronic systems and develop the ability to integrate different CPU peripherals. The course provides the expertise necessary for programming and debugging of microcontrollers in various applications.
Teaching and learning methods
Online video lectures, lectures and exercises in flipped classroom, laboratory practice, project work, presentation of the project.
Expected study results
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to
- Differentiate and explain the structure and operation of architectures of the most widespread families of microcontrollers.
- Analyze the software code.
- Interpret and utilize data from the datasheet of the microcontroller.
- Describe the operation of various peripheral units and apply them to solve a problem.
- Design a solution to a problem and implement it in hardware and software for the target microcontrolle.
- Properly structure the code in the C programming language to achieve low coupling between modules, code transparency and good interchangeability between different families of microprocessors.
Basic sources and literature
Jankovec M., Osnove mikroprocesorske elektronike, izročki zapiski in slikovno gradivo predavanj, spletno gradivo, Ljubljana, 2024.
Glažar B.., Jankovec M., Osnove mikroprocesorske elektronike, navodila za laboratorijske vaje, spletno gradivo, Ljubljana, 2024.
Jankovec M., Osnove mikroprocesorske elektronike, video lekcije, Youtube kanal:
Tahir M., Javed K., ARM microprocessor systems: Cortex-M architecture, programming, and interfacing, CRC Press, New York, ISBN – 978-1-4822-5938-4, 2017.
Analog and digital circuits for electronic control system applications: using the TI MSP430 microcontroller, Elsevier, Amsterdam, ISBN – 978-0-7506-7810-0, 2012.
Yiu J., The definitive guide to ARM Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 processors, Elsevier, Amsterdam, ISBN – 978-0-12-408082-9, 2014.