Practical Training for Modul V

Subject description

Practical training executed outside the UL.

Informative familiarization with the company, enterprise or institute.

Familiarization with the production or work process or service activity.

Active involvement in the production or work process.

Preparation for the production of the potential diploma thesis.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

Student’s familiarization with the working environment, practical problems in the area of electrical engineering and methods for their resolution, using the skills and knowledge gained during the studies.

Teaching and learning methods

Individual practical training

Expected study results

Knowledge and understanding: Familiarization with the company’s work processes and different job posts in the field of electrical engineering and specific expert issues.

Application: The student is able to apply the knowledge and skills gained during his or her studies to resolving a wide range of specific problems in the field of electrical engineering.

Reflection: The student will face real limitations in resolving expert problems: time frame, limited assets and equipment, team work communication.

Transferable skills: Ability of integration into the social environment, working habits, responsibility, self-initiative, dedication to the field of work and the company, as well as towards society and the environment, the desire to excel and professional development.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411