User‐adapted communication

Subject description

Introduction to user adapted communication (principles, approaches, related fields, terminology); User adaptation, users, services, communication (users and user groups, roles, levels of adaptation, intelligence of the adaptation); User to service communication (modalities, channels, communication patterns and interaction types, social interaction, natural communication); Socially intelligence and services (introduction, cognitive aspects of adaptation, socially aware computing); What we adapt to (context, user personality, mood and emotion); How we adapt – user modelling and recommender systems (key aspect, collaborative and content filtering, hybrid techniques, preference modelling); User data acquisition and analysis (key issues, types, explicit and implicit, real time acquisition); Personalized services (good practices in selected domains, examples, evaluation, critique); Evaluation and user experiments (evaluation measures, design of experiments, human-centred evaluation, procedures, interpretation); Information protection in user adapted services (key issues, privacy by design); Research activities and future challenges of the domain.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

The goal of the course is to familiarize students with a comprehensive insight into the user adapted communication. This course include contextualization of communication and artificial social intelligence in user (human) to (smart) system communication. 

The course gives the basic knowledge on pricnciples, approaches and guidelines in design, analysis and evaluation of user adapted communication. The knowledge is fundamental in development of personalised, contextualized socially inteligent communication systems.

Teaching and learning methods

The lectures provide a theoretical background on particular subjects together with presentation of simple practical examples. A complete study material is available to the students.

Practical work is being performed in the laboratory environment and home work. In includes design, implementation and evaluation of solutions of user adapted communication.

Expected study results

After successful completion of the course, students should be able to:

– Determine user segments and personas in user adapted communication

– Use domain knowledge in a communication dialogue design

– Determine relevant contexts and social signals in communication and evaluate the success rate of its extraction 

– Select and evaluate communication modalities

– Design and evaluate user data acquisition procedures in real time and off-line (sensors, instruments) 

– Design and implement user experiments 

– Evaluate the quality of user adapted communication

Basic sources and literature

1.    J. A. Jacko: Human-Computer Interaction Handbook, CRC Press, 2012.

2.    A. Dix, J. E. Finlay, G. D. Abowd, R. Beale: Human-Computer Interaction, Prentice Hall, 2004.

3.    F. Ricci, L. Rokach, B. Shapira, P. B. Kantor: Recommender system handbook, Springer, 2011.

4.    Jonathan Lazar and Jinjuan H. Feng: Research Methods in Human-Computer Interaction, Elseviere, 2017

5.    M. Tkalcic, B. de Carolis, M. de Gemmis, A. Odić, A. Košir: Emotions and Personality in Personalized Services, Springer 2016 (in print).

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411