Progression andCompletion Requirements

Advancement into the next year

To enrol in the second year, you must have completed the requirements of the first year (54 ECTS). To re-enrol in the same year, you must have completed at least half of the requirements of the study programme of that year (30 ECTS).

Repeating a year

In accordance with the legislation and the Statutes of the University of Ljubljana, a student may repeat a programme of study only once during the period of study, and any change of the programme of study due to failure to fulfil the requirements of the previous programme of study (transfer to another programme of study or course of study) is also considered to be a repetition.

To re-enrol in the same year, students must complete:

  • at least half of the requirements of this year – at least 30 ECTS,
  • all commitments from previous years.

Conditions for completion

Students complete their studies when they have completed all the prescribed requirements of the study programme, including the master’s thesis, to a total of 120 credits. The programme of study does not have separate units that can be completed individually.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411