Media hub

The Communications Office of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at University of Ljubljana is an organisational unit that promotes the faculty and its study programmes, organises and coordinates various events (promotional events, trainings, seminars, extracurricular events, summer camps, professional conferences, competitions, formal events, presentations, etc.) and highlights the achievements of staff and students, publishes presentation brochures, manages the faculty website and social media, manages the sale of faculty merchandise and coordinates public relations.

You can contact us if:

  • you are looking for interesting stories of scientific and research achievements in the fields we cover at the faculty,
  • you want to showcase interesting young researchers and scientists and their fields of research,
  • you need expert commentary on current developments in the areas we cover,
  • you are interested in the events we organise at the faculty.


Tržaška 25, 1000 Ljubljana

Telephone numbers: 01 4768 114, 01 4768 228, 01 4768 128


UL FE Business Card

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Tržaška cesta 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Tel: +386 1 4768 411

FE transaction account: SI56 0110 060 30708 671 with Bank of Slovenia
VAT ID: SI11015489
Registration number: 1626965000

Stay up to date

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411