
  • Espacenet
    Database of patents and patent families. Free access.

Impact factor of serial publications by:

  • IUS-INFO and FinD-INFO portals
    IUS-INFO is a collection of full texts of all Slovenian legislation, applicable European legislation, the Register of Regulations of the Republic of Slovenia, expert articles from the journals Pravna praksa and Podjetje in delo, case law of the Supreme, High and Constitutional Courts, legal resources at home and abroad. The main advantage of the IUS-INFO portal is its ease of use, which is ensured by the interconnection of all documents.
    FinD-INFO is a financial, accounting and tax information system that links together collections of extensive professional content, data, forms and tools in the fields of finance, tax and accounting. The portal is based on the proven technology of the IUS-INFO portal, which provides users with high-quality, professional and up-to-date documents and information in the field of finance, tax and accounting.

Both portals can be used with unrestricted access within the FE computer network without a login and password. User identification or authentication is via the IP addresses of the computers in the FE computer network. The advantage of this method is that it is easier for all staff and students at the Faculty to access the full-text information on both portals.

  • ProQuest Central
    ProQuest Central is one of the largest multidisciplinary collections for searching scientific, technical and popular literature in more than 160 subject areas, including engineering, natural sciences, telecommunications, computer science, etc. The collection is accessible on the locations of computers registered in the UL computer network and through Remote Access to UL Information Resources for students and employees of the University of Ljubljana.
  • SCOPUS is a multidisciplinary bibliographic database with a citation index. It includes articles from peer-reviewed and open-access journals, papers from scientific monographs and consultations, and patents. The collection is updated weekly.
    It is available at the University of Ljubljana, CTK and NUK locations. For students and employees of the University of Ljubljana, it is also accessible via the UL Remote Access to Information Resources service.
    Note: access problems may occur with Internet Explorer v. 11. The website works correctly in Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.
  • Web of Science (WoS) – database with citation indexes
    access from computers in the university computer network or via the UL Remote Access to Information Resources service.

* alphabetical order

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E:  dekanat@fe.uni-lj.si T:  01 4768 411