Industrial RoboticsDays

University teacher: Munih Marko
Number of credits: 3

Description of the subject

Conditions for participation: Enrolment in the year of study.


DIR extra-curricular activities require student’s coordinated activity in a group. The student is part of a student organising team, which starts organising at the beginning of November each academic year. The initial period is about collecting new ideas and defining new interesting applications for industrial robots. There are 9 of these per year (see for 2015 applications). Afterwards, the student and the team look for industrial partners who can provide them with the appropriate state-of-the-art robots for implementation. This year, in 2015, 17 industrial partners have confirmed their participation. For example, one of them delivered an industrial two-armed robot to UL, Faculty of Electrical Engineering from Germany. The student then prepares the rest of environment, sensors and programs for all applications/robots.

The students activate the corresponding web page in the beginning of the calendar year. Registrations open at the end of February. The registrations are open for any other student (who is not the subject of this extra-curricular activity), and the application is reserved for him/her at the time booked. During this time, with the help of a student demonstrator, he/she will learn about the robot and other relevant elements and contribute with part of the programming of the robot. Unannounced students and other visitors, young and old, are welcome to just attend and observe.

The content of the student’s extra-curricular activity therefore includes, in addition to the overall development of the app and the collaboration with industry, the promotion of the event in the digital and print media, as well as a three-day full-day demonstration during DIR Week.


Objectives and competences:

The DIR student organiser gains project experience and specialised content knowledge, the group of student listeners (not the subject of this extra-curricular activity) broadens their outlook and competences, the industry repeatedly comes back in search of good ideas.

The student organiser acquires the competences of project management, problem definition and solution, coordination with industrial partners, design and promotion of the event and graphic content, communication with the media, professional competences of robot cell preparation and robot programming, competences of independent and group work and mutual assistance within the group, competences of working with and presenting their work to fellow students and to a wider audience during the DIR days.

The solved problems have been used by industrial partners as demo applications at trade fairs on several occasions.


Intended study outcomes:

Knowledge and understanding of:

Comprehensive knowledge of solving a specific industrial problem, building a robotic application, programming robots. Experience of cooperation with industry, promotion of the event in the media, interaction with listeners and visitors.


Working methods:

Joint DIR meetings are held weekly. They are intended to review the work done and plan future activities. The students first propose a set of possible problems/applications.

The students then contact industrial partners who provide them with the most up-to-date equipment (robots). The problem-solving and student’s step-by-step work is carried out in focus groups.

The student prepares all other equipment and software solutions.

Present your app in a special issue of Avtomatika in an appropriate way. Promote the event in advance through various media and at the event itself.

The implemented solutions are demonstrated by the student and made available to other students and the general public for three days during the DIR event.



Articles from robotics journals:

  1. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, International Journal of Robotic Research in drugi
  2. Conference proceedings: ICRA, IROS and others.
  3. Textbooks, study materials and relevant technical literature on robotics.
  4. Manuals on how to use and program robots.

Studies in which the course is conducted:

  • 0th year – level – Extracurricular activity

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411