Lego MindstormsAutonomous Mobile Systems

University teacher: Logar Vito
Number of credits: 4

Description of the subject

Conditions for participation: No specific conditions.


In the last few years, autonomous mobile systems have been gaining ground, demonstrating to a certain extent their own intelligence and decision-making capability in familiar or unfamiliar environments. The term autonomous mobile systems refers to a system that has the ability to move (drive, fly, walk, etc.) and is completely independent from human intervention. Autonomy is ensured by an embedded software intelligence that tries to capture to the extent possible all possible scenarios that the system may face in reality. Intelligence is an essential part of an autonomous mobile system, as the system will only be capable of a certain degree of intelligent autonomy to the extent that the embedded intelligence allows it to do so. The course “Lego Mindstorms Autonomous Mobile Systems” is based on the use of Lego Mindstorms EV3 kits, in order to learn about the field of mobile systems and approaches to design and implementation of their control. The additional practical knowledge gained in this way is useful not only in the development of autonomous mobile systems, but also in the design, optimisation and management of other intelligent systems, as many of the approaches in this field are similar and applicable to different domains. In concrete terms, the understanding of the field of autonomous mobile systems is based on the following concept:

  • the student is given a specific project assignment,
  • Lego Mindstorms EV3 kit is available for the student to use for the assignment,
  • the student builds a mobile system that is structurally capable of performing a given task,
  • the student designs, develops and programmes the complete control algorithm and the associated system intelligence,
  • followed by testing and possible revision of the developed system,
  • in the end, each student takes part in a competition to further evaluate the quality of the work done.


Objectives and competences:

The course aims to introduce the field of autonomous mobile systems in a simple, student-friendly and fun way, and does not require any specific background in mobile systems. The content of the course, which has a strong practical orientation, allows students to gain insight and basic knowledge in the field of mobile sensors, kinematics, control algorithms for autonomous mobile systems, localisation and decision-making algorithms for autonomous mobile systems using Lego Mindstorms kits. The knowledge gained is applicable in different areas of mobile systems, as the design approaches and control of such systems are relatively independent of the mobile platform used. No prior knowledge of mobile systems is required, as students gradually acquire and build on all the necessary knowledge for the successful operation and intelligent decision-making of such systems.


Intended study outcomes:

Knowledge and understanding:
  • fundamentals of mobile systems,
  • kinematics and odometry,
  • mobile sensing,
  • control algorithms for wheeled autonomous mobile systems,
  • system localization in a known environment,
  • optimal trajectory planning,
  • intelligent decision-making for goal achievement,
  • optimization of control,
  • autonomous mobile systems.


Working methods:

  • independent project work according to the instructor’s guidelines,
  • programming systems in the provided software environment (no prior programming knowledge required) or in the RobotC environment (advanced programming knowledge),
  • testing constructed systems on a test track,
  • students working in groups of 2 – 3,
  • regular consultations,
  • preparation of a final report,
  • participation in a student competition.



  1. G. Klančar – Avtonomni mobilni sistemi, Založba FE, 2014

Studies in which the course is conducted:

  • 0th year – level – Extracurricular activity

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411