Entry requirements

Full details of entry requirements and criteria on enrolment.


The interdisciplinary second cycle postgraduate study programme Multimedia is open to anyone who:

  • has completed a first cycle degree or a higher-education vocational diploma in multimedia, computer science or information technology, electrical engineering or other natural sciences and engineering (mathematics, physics, chemistry and chemical technology, mechanical engineering, civil engineering), in accordance with the legal provisions in force before 11 June 2004,
  • has completed a first cycle study programme in a field of study or a professional study programme adopted under the legal provisions in force before 11 June 2004, which is not covered by a), and has passed the following examinations in the first-degree Multimedia programme before enrolment: Programming 1, Programming 2, Introduction to Multimedia Systems, and Communication Systems, or has mastered the material covered in these subjects in the course of his/her first-degree studies, which shall be decided by the FRI Study Affairs Committee and the FE Study Committee,
  • has completed equivalent education as referred to in (a) and (b) abroad.

Selection criteria in case of an enrolment restriction

If a decision is made to limit enrolment, applicants will be selected on the basis of:

  • the average grade obtained in the first cycle of studies: (20 % of the points),
  • the results of the multiple-choice examination: (80 % of the points).

Criteria for the recognition of knowledge and skills acquired before entry to the programme

The student may be recognised in the process of education with knowledge that corresponds in content and scope to the content of the courses taught in the cycle 2 Multimedia study programme. The recognition of knowledge and skills acquired prior to enrolment shall be decided by the FRI Student Affairs Committee and the FE Student Affairs Committee on the basis of the student’s written application, the attached certificates and other documents proving the successful acquisition of knowledge and the content of these skills, and in accordance with the Rules on the Procedure and Criteria for the Recognition of Informally Acquired Knowledge and Skills, adopted by the UL Senate at its meeting on 29 May 2007.



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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E:  dekanat@fe.uni-lj.si T:  01 4768 411