Electrical Energy Production

Subject description

Energy conversion in classic hydro power plants, basics of hydrodynamics, basics of turbines operation, water turbine technical characteristics regarding construction and operation, turbine control, other equipment, river energy potential, efficiency.

Energy conversion in classic thermal power plants, basics of thermodynamics, efficiency of heat conversion to mechanical energy, characteristics of steam and gas turbines, effect to the environment, recent methods for reduction of emissions from thermal power plants, other equipment.

Energy conversion in nuclear power plants, physics of chain reaction, mechanisms of maintaining the chain reaction in the reactor, structure and characteristics of the most applicable types of nuclear reactors, radiological protection, nuclear waste.

Conversion of electric energy from alternative sources of electric energy: technology overview, potentials, technical characteristics and perspectives.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

Student will learn basic phenomena of energy conversions to electric energy with classic technology and with alternative sources of energy. Student will be capable to assess energy potentials regarding their conversion technologies into electric energy. Student will learn structure and functions of components and their interactions within conventional power plants and within alternative power sources.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures and exercises

Expected study results

Student will be capable to:

– quantify conversion of primary energy into electric energy in classical power plants,

– sketch the plant operation processes and list their main components,

– interpret the operating parameters of classical sources of energy,

– solve simple technical problems in the field of conversion to electric power in hydroelectric power plants, thermal power plants and nuclear power plants.

Basic sources and literature

1. Izkoriščanje vodne energije, delovni material (Marko Čepin), 2014

2. B. Orel: Energetski pretvorniki I, Založba FER, Ljubljana 1992

3. B. Orel: Energetski pretvorniki II, Založba FER, Ljubljana 1993

4. Energija vetra in vetrne elektrarne, delovni material (Marko Čepin), 2014

Stay up to date

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E:  dekanat@fe.uni-lj.si T:  01 4768 411