
Subject description

Grammar revision:

  • tenses and most common errors
  • prepositions
  • questions
  • modal and phrasal verbs
  • prepositional phrases
  • numbers and numerals
  • passive voice
  • conditionals



  • business/professional etiquette and polite expressions
  • exchange of information: information about the faculty and studies, syllabus, postgraduate studies, study abroad, international exchange
  • company and business presentations
  • correspondence and telephoning: trends and changes
  • professional vocabulary; professional terms and phrases from the field of electrical engineering and multimedia

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

The aim of the course English is to consolidate students' general language knowledge and their writing, reading, speaking and listening skills. The subject teaches the basics of English grammar and vocabulary so that students can use it in the above-mentioned skills. It consolidates the grammar and vocabulary. Students will develop understanding of professional texts and write letters (business correspondence, language registers; formal, semi-formal and informal letters). Students will develop specific business communication skills, informal conversation skills, oral presentation from the field of electrical engineering, they will write a CV and cover letter, and prepare for an interview for an advertised job position).

Teaching and learning methods

  • lectures
  • tutorials
  • work in pairs and teamwork
  • problembased language learning and analysis of case studies presentations

Expected study results

Upon successfully completing this course, student will be able to;

  • present a selected problem from the field of electrical engineering in English,
  • distinguish between different English language registers,
  • use English vocabulary and grammar,
  • write a CV and cover letter in English,
  • report on what they have read in English

Basic sources and literature

– posebej pripravljeni materiali

– aktualni strokovni članki

– Brieger, N. in A. Pohl. 2002. Technical English Vocabulary and Grammar. Summertown: Summertown Publishing Limited.

– Bigwood, Sally in Melissa Spore. 2003. Presenting Nu,bers, Tables, and Charts. New York: Oxford University Press.

– EVROTERM. Večjezična terminološka baza izrazov Evropske unije. Dostopno na: evroterm.gov.si

– Cambridge Dictionary Online. Dostopno na http://dictionary.cambridge.org/

– McCarthy, Michael in Felicity O'Dell. 2008. Academic Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge University Press.

– McCarthy, Michael in Felicity O'Dell. 2001. Test Your English Vocabulary in Use. Upper-intermediate. Cambridge University Press.

-Ricca-McCarthy, Tom in Michael Duckworth. English for Telecoms and Imformation Technology. 2009. Oxford University Press.

Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use, 1985 Cambridge University Press.


Readings and materials:

  • specially prepared materials
  • current professional articles/papers
  • Brieger, N. and A. Pohl. 2002. Technical English Vocabulary and Grammar. Summertown: Summertown Publishing Limited.
  • Bigwood, Sally and Melissa Spore. 2003. Presenting Numbers, Tables, and Charts. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • EVROTERM. Multilanguage terminology database of the EU. Accessible at: evroterm.gov.si
  • Cambridge Dictionary Online. Dostopno na http://dictionary.cambridge.org/
  • McCarthy, Michael and Felicity O'Dell. 2008. Academic Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge University Press.
  • McCarthy, Michael and Felicity O'Dell. 2001. Test Your English Vocabulary in Use. Upperintermediate. Cambridge University Press.
  • RiccaMcCarthy, Tom and Michael Duckworth. English for Telecoms and Information Technology. 2009. Oxford University Press.
  • Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use, 1985 Cambridge University Press.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E:  dekanat@fe.uni-lj.si T:  01 4768 411