Legal aspects and protection of contents

Subject description

  1. Introduction to legal system
  • Distinction between public and private law, the role of constitutional law and European Union law,
  • Hierarchy of legal acts,
  • Contract law: conclusion of contract, purchase agreement, contract for work,
  • Liability in criminal and civil (contractual and noncontractual) matters.
  1. Copyright law
  • Defining the terms “copyright work” and “author”,
  • Which media materials are typically subject to copyright?,
  • Copyright (economic rights, moral rights),
  • Limitations of copyright
  • Licence contracts, contract for a work made for hire, web publishing,
  • Infringements of copyrights and consequences.
  1. Industrial property rights
  • Definition of trademark, pattern, patent, geographical indications and designations of origin and of other intellectual property rights
  • The role of protection.
  1. Advertising
  • Law of unfair competition and advertising restrictions,
  • Misleading advertising, comparative advertising.
  1. Internet legal issues
  • Domain,
  • Copyright and related rights on the internet,
  • Protection of personal data,
  • Entering into agreements on the internet, sales of goods and services on the internet (conclusion of contracts via internet, consumer protection),
  • World Wide Web as a medium (online forums, blogs, online TV and Video on Demand, editor's liability).
  1. Protection of personal data and personal rights
  • Admissibility of collecting and using personal data, protection of privacy,
  • Cookies and other technologies,
  • User profiling,
  • Other personal rights.
  1. Media
  • Freedom of expression and right to privacy,
  • Editor's liability,
  • Right to correction or reply,
  • Selected topics.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

Objective of the course is to provide basic introduction to law and legal issues that deal with media and internet. At the outset elementary principles of public law will be presented (state, constitutional frames). Afterwards the basics of liability in civil and criminal matters and contract law will be presented. Basic presentation of individual legal topics will follow: copyright law, rights of industrial property, advertising, selected legal issues regarding internet, protection of personal data and media.

Teaching and learning methods

– lectures

– tutorial

Expected study results

After completing the obligations of the course, the student will be able to understand the basic legal concepts and to recognize the legal dimension of the problems related to multimedia content. He will be able to identify the intellectual property rights, the conditions under which they are legally protected and conditions for their application. Student will be familiar with main limitations of advertising, basics of conclusion of contract, basic regulation on the protection of personality and personal data and some individual topics regarding internet law.

Basic sources and literature

  1. C. Kaesler: Recht für Medienberufe, Springer Vieweg, 2013 (izbrana poglavja)
  2. M. Novak, Uvod v pravo, Evropska pravna fakulteta, Nova Gorica 2010 (str. 31-63)
  3. M. Juhart et al.: Uvod v civilno pravo, Uradni list RS, 2011 (str. 23-46, 273-290).
  4. B. Makarovič, J. Toplišek (ur.): Pravni vodnik po internetu, GV Založba, 2007 (7., 8. in 10. poglavje)
  5. Zakoni:
    1. Zakon o avtorski in sorodnih pravicah, Ur. l. RS št. 16/07.
    2. Zakon o industrijski lastnini, Ur.l. RS
    3. Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov, Ur. l. RS 94/2007.
    4. Zakon o varstvu potrošnikov pred nepoštenimi poslovnimi praksami, Uradni list RS, št. 53/2007
    5. Zakon o medijih, Ur. l. RS 110/06;

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