
Number of credits: 4

Description of the subject

Conditions for participation: No specific conditions.



  • What is and what is the purpose of student tutoring
  • The role and tasks of student tutors
  • Operation of the student tutoring IT support
  • Knowledge of student rights and responsibilities, the functioning of faculty and university bodies
  • The functioning of ŠOU Ljubljana and their services
  • Examples of good tutoring practice


  • Establishing contact and mutual trust
  • Strategies and timing of study
  • Ways of coping with stress

Independent work during the year:

  • Tutoring on an as-needed basis
  • Attending meetings with the Tutor Coordinator
  • Participation in student enrolment and faculty information days


At the end of the academic year, the student writes a report on the tutoring sessions, FAQs, and any specifics, with the aim of improving the tutoring system, as well as the studies in general.

Objectives and competences:


  • the functioning of the higher education system
  • knowledge of students’ rights and responsibilities,
  • knowledge of the University of Ljubljana student organisation,
  • the basis of communication,
  • study strategies,
  • problem solving,
  • recognising and coping with stress


  • guidance and counselling skills
  • application and transfer of study strategies
  • interpersonal communication
  • identifying individual problems
  • time management
  • recognising and coping with stress
  • planning and recording work
  • preparing and writing reports
  • synthesising experience and making recommendations for improvement
  • reflecting on your own experience and transferring your knowledge and skills to others


Intended study outcomes:

Knowledge and understanding of:

functioning of the higher education system, knowledge of students’ rights and duties, knowledge of the functioning of the University of Ljubljana student organisation, basic communication, study strategies and their application, stress, problem solving, interpersonal communication, recognition of individual problems, guidance and counselling skills, application of study strategies, time management, recognition of stress and coping with stress, preparation and writing of reports, synthesis of experience and formulation of recommendations for improvement, reflection on own experience and transfer of knowledge to others.



Lectures, reflection, solving questionnaires, simulations, role-play, videos, making plans, practical examples and use of manuals.



Law, Statutes and other documents of the UL and its members:

  1. Zakon o visokem šolstvu (Ur. l. RS št. 67/93, 99/99, 64/01, 100/03 in 63/04, prečiščeno besedilo 100/04)
  2. Statut Univerze v Ljubljani, sprejet 21.12.2004
  3. Tutorski sistem UL, sprejet 24.04.2007
  4. Interni akti članic UL, ki urejajo tutorstvo

General materials:

Tutorski priročnik UL

Professional materials

  1. Barker, A. (2000). Improve Your Communication Skills. London : K. Page :The Sunday Times, (str. 22-55).
  2. Brajša, P. (1993). Pedagoška komunikologija/Pedagogic communication. Glotta Nova. Ljubljana, (str. 19-28).
  3. Hargie, O. (ed.)(2006). The Handbook of Communication Skills. 3rd edition. London, New York : Routledge, (str. 37-70).
  4. Jerome, P.J. (1995). Coaching through effective feedback : a practical guide to successful communication. London : Kogan Page, (str. 9-43).
  5. Keller, G., Binder, A. , Thiel, R. (2000). Boljša motivacija – uspešnejše učenje. Trening učnih navad. Ljubljana: Center za psihodiagnostična sredstva, d.o.o., (str. 18-25; 31-35).
  6. Pečjak, S., Košir, K. (2002). Samoregulacijske spretnosti in učinkovito učenje. V: Poglavja iz pedagoške psihologije. Ljubljana: Oddelke za psihologijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, (str. 139-157).
  7. Pečjak, V. (2001). Učenje, spomin, mišljenje. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, (str. 48-53; 96-98).
  8. Požarnik, B.M. (2000). Psihologija pouka in učenja. Ljubljana: Državna založba Slovenije, (str. 166-182).
  9. Požarnik, B.M., Magajna, L., Peklaj, C. (1995). Izziv raznolikosti. Nova Gorica: Educa, (str. 143-150; 161-167).
  10. Woolfolk, A. (2002). Pedagoška psihologija. Ljubljana: Educy, (str. 317-381).
  11. Field, T.M., McCabe, P.M., & Schneiderman, N. (1985). Stress and coping. Hillsdale, t.11: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, (str. 3 – 12).

Studies in which the course is conducted:

  • 0th year – level – Extracurricular activity

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E: T:  01 4768 411