Host-pathogen interactions

Subject description

The study of interactions between different hosts and a variety of pathogens is carried out (H-P) at the level of organisms, host or pathogen cells and on the level of cell signaling and gene expression. Different methods and approaches are used to study the events that are very complex. The aim of studies of human or animal pathogens and specific hosts or of H-P interactions in animal models is to understand basic molecular mechanisms and/or possible applications. The course will present examples of H-P interactions: authors will present the background and the aim of the study they performed along with methods and results. Students are expected to have read the study (paper) first and participate actively in the discussion in course.

Topics: Mycoplasmas: microbes without cell wall. Can they induce autoimmune disease? How do they influence on simultaneous infections with viruses? Infections of the mammary gland and tumorigenesis. Animal models in H-P interactions research. Infection with Helicobater pylori and tumorigenesis. H-P interactions in plants.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

  • to recognize the complexity of H-P interactions
  • to recognize the approaches and methods
  • to get the insight into the H-P research  projects in SLO and international
  • to develop the capability of understanding  and analyzing of scientific papers as well as develop the capability of scientific discussion

Teaching and learning methods

Scientific papers  will be delivered in advance. Lecturer, which is a co-author of the paper, will present the background of the research. In the seminar students will take an active part. Additional explanation of methods/ results will be provided by lecturer.

Expected study results

Knowledge and understanding:

Knowledge of up-to date problems of host-pathogen interactions (H-P) and possibilities (methods, approach) for research. They will understand the importance of the research of H-P interactions.

They should gain the ability to understand the problem and find the application/solution based on biotechnology approach.

Students should gain the ability of self-dependent studying scientific papers.

Basic sources and literature

Vsebina bo temeljila na člankih, ki so jih objavili predavatelji in bodo slušateljem posredovani vsako leto v naprej.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411