Advanced microelectronics systems: selected topics

Subject description

The content of the course includes modern innovative architectures of mixed signal analogue/digital integrated systems in deep sub-micron CMOS and BiCMOS technologies (<90nm) with all restrictions and modelling problems related to that.

Problems related to complexity and low supply voltage require special attention for digital, analogue and mixed-signal circuit implementation. Important part is built-in-self-test (BIST) and cointegration fo sensors and electronics.

The course will be divided in three main directions:

  • The design of low/high voltage integrated systems including high frequency and low noise dynamic systems in CMOS and BiCMOS technologies,
  • Cointegration of MEMS/NEMS sensors togather with VLSI integrated system including the modelling and verification methodologies
  • Testing of modern complex microelectronic systems including BIST methods for mixed-signal integrated systems

Each direction is based on the lectures,

followed by  seminar work, which is the basis

for the  individual research work.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

The goal of the program is to improve the understanding of possibilities and limitations related to the design of VLSI microelectronic nano-electronic systems in CMOS and BiCMOS technologies with channel length below 100nm and prepare the students for individual research in the field.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, Seminars, Individual research work in selected

Expected study results

The students learn the modern trends of design methodologies and tools used for the design of microelectronic and/or nano-electronic systems and modules in modern CMOS and BiCMOS technologies including the problems related to modern technologies. The competences include also co-integration of sensors and electronics as well as BIST (built in self test).

Basic sources and literature

[1] F. Maloberti, “Data Cnverters, ” Springer, 2007

[2] R.J. Baker, »CMOS Mixed-Signal Circuit Design«, Wiley, 2009.

[3] R. J. Baker, “CMOS Circuti design, Layout and simulation, “ Wiley interscience, 2010

[4] S. Voinigescu, »High Frequency Integrated Circuits, « Cambridge University press, 2011

[5] P.  J. AshendenG. D. Peterson, “System Designer's Guide to VHDL-AMS: Analog, Mixed-Signal, and Mixed-Technology Modeling, ” Elsevier, 2003.

[6] V. Kempe, »Inertial MEMS: principles and practices,« Cambridge University press, 2011.

[7] M. Burns, G.W.Roberts, “ An Introduction to Mixed-signal IC test and Mesurements, “ Oxford University press, 2011.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411