Seminar: Electronics

Subject description

Product Specifications. Time and financial plan. Using a computerized planning and production plan. Project management. Optimization of the time from idea to market.

Using of resources: books, internet, companies’ datasheets. Compliance with safety and EMC standards. Block diagram of electronic and programming work. Choice of electronic and mechanical components of a circuit.

Construction of the electrical design with standard design software. List of connections documenting the plan.

Design testing: test point, test procedure, testing of printed circuit boards (connections). Testing equipment and software testing. Types and Troubleshooting.

Manufacture of printed circuit board design with standard design software. Output file and review boards. Connection of designer with manufacturers of printed circuit boards. Technology to manufacture prototype printed circuit boards. Documentation of the project. The financial recap. Presentation of the project: creating a presentation environment, using technical equipment for presentations. Performance in front of an audience.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

The course combines knowledge of all technical subjects of the study so far and enables students to use their theoretical knowledge in a practical application, where they design and realize an electronic device according to given specifications.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, laboratory exercises, project work.

Expected study results

On successful completion of this module, students should be able to

  • design and construct electronic apparatus according to given specifications using the available literature and combining the skills acquired during their studies,
  • systematically analyze the given problem and find appropriate solutions,
  • search for literature, read datasheets of components, design a circuit diagram and printed circuit board,
  • master different software tools for electronic and mechanical design,
  • choose or design a suitable enclosure and use 3D printing technology,
  • select appropriate components, contact the component manufacturers, purchase the components and make printed circuit boards,
  • detect errors in eliminate them the process of testing. In doing so, they will use appropriate instruments and tools,
  • develop appropriate technical documentation and present the project in front of a critical audience.

Basic sources and literature

  1. Jankovec M., Seminar iz elektronike, slikovno gradivo in zapiski predavanj, Ljubljana, 2016.
  2. Tehnična dokumentacija programov za načrtovanje električnih in tiskanih vezij. / Technical documentation of PCB design software.
  3. Spletne strani izdelovalcev elektronskih in elektromehanskih komponent. / Web pages of manufacturers of electronic parts and ICs.
  4. Spletne strani distributerjev elektronskih in elektromehanskih komponent. / Web pages of the distributors of electronic parts and ICs.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411