Laboratory of Fundamentals of Electrical Engineeringand Electromagnetics

Laboratory of Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Electromagnetics combines teaching, project and research activities from the field of the fundamentals of electrical engineering and electromagnetics as well as multimedia within the framework of courses with the same names at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Bologna levels.

At the first level, the emphasis is on the development, creation and setting up of laboratory courses and experiments, on creation of video materials, textbooks and manuscripts with instructions for laboratories as well of a system for automated knowledge testing. At the second level, the emphasis is on numerical methods in electromagnetics and introducition of students with solving engineering problems in the field of electrotechnics and electromagnetics, which includes theoretical, mathematical, numerical, programming and analytical parts. At the third level, students deal with problems that are often interdisciplinary in nature and include the topic of electromagnetic fields.

Project work is devoted to the analysis, measurements and design of solutions in the interdisciplinary fields of electrical engineering, which include circuits, embedded systems, sensors through electromagnetic quantities, communication, data collection and processing, and multimedia.

The research topics of the laboratory’s colleagues include the use of numerical methods in electromagnetics, induction heating issues, assessment of electromagnetic compatibility, evaluation of electromagnetic fields in the surrounding of devices and systems, suppression of electromagnetic fields and analysis and synthesis of electrotechnical and electromagnetic applications. They include the use of artificial intelligence and achieving energy efficiency and sustainability in various areas of electrical engineering.

We promote the involvement of fresh students in development and project work at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. These students are especially welcome and encouraged to join our laboratory and try at problems in the field of circuit assembly, electromagnetic constructs, integration of sensors with built-in systems, communication, control and data processing on their own initiative or by supervision already in the early period of their studies.


Jana Brelih Humar

Strokovni delavec v visokošolski dejavnosti VII/2-I


Marjan Dolinšek

Strokovni sodelavec pri pedagoškem procesu na univerzi VII/1


Telefon: +386 1 476 8754

Prof. Iztok Humar

Visokošolski učitelj - redni profesor


Telefon: +386 1 476 8806

Assistant Bojan Križ

Asistent z magisterijem


Assistant Miran Meža

Asistent z magisterijem


Assistant Matej Meža

Asistent z magisterijem


Assoc. Prof. Marko Meža

Visokošolski učitelj - izredni profesor


Telefon: +386 1 476 8486

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411