
On 3 December 1919, the first lecture in the Slovenian language was held at the University of Ljubljana, which is why this day is considered to be the birthday of the oldest and largest University in Slovenia, which today boasts international reputation.

Each year, in the first week of December, the University of Ljubljana presents the most outstanding research achievements with the greatest respect, and awards honorary degrees, plaques, prizes and distinctions to those who have made the University of Ljubljana a better university.

Recipients of University's awards and recognitions

  • The Honorary Doctorate of the University of Ljubljana, proposed by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Ljubljana, was awarded to Prof. Dr. h. c. Christophe Ballif.
  • The title of Distinguished Professor of the University of Ljubljana was awarded to Prof. Jurij Franc Tasič.
  • The Golden Plaque for Outstanding Contributions to the Development of Scientific, Pedagogical, or Artistic Creation and the Enhancement of the Reputation of the University of Ljubljana was awarded to Prof. Matjaž Vidmar.
  • The Recognition for Outstanding Research Achievements of the University of Ljubljana was awarded to Assoc. Prof. Žiga Špiclin, Prof. Franjo Pernuš, Lara Dular, and Prof. Aleš Iglič.
  • The Recognition for Professional Staff at the University of Ljubljana for their significant contribution to improving work processes and the positive climate at the faculties and rectorate was awarded to Vera Wabra Lekše.
  • The Certificate of Honour for Students with the Best Academic Achievements was awarded to Selma Vukalić and Andrej Barachini.

  • The Certificate of Honour for students with the best academic achievements was awarded to Sašo Domadenik and Matej Markeljc.
  • The Recognition for Outstanding Research Achievements of the University of Ljubljana was awarded to Prof. Jaka Sodnik and Senior Research Associate Dr. Nadica Miljković.
  • The Recognition for professional staff at the University of Ljubljana for their significant contribution to improving work processes and the positive climate at the faculties and rectorate was awarded to Tatjana Lušina.

  • The Certificate of Honour for students with the best academic achievements was awarded to Valentina Stanić and Darjo Uršič.
  • The Golden Plaque of the University of Ljubljana, awarded for outstanding contributions to the development of scientific, pedagogical, or artistic creation and the enhancement of the reputation of the University of Ljubljana, was awarded this year to Prof. Marko Čepin from the Laboratory for Electrical Networks and Devices.
  • The Certificate of Honour for young higher education teachers and associates, awarded by the University of Ljubljana for exceptional pedagogical, research, and artistic achievements, was awarded to Asst. Prof. Marko Jošt from the Laboratory for Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics. Asst. Prof. Dr. Marko Jošt is also a recipient of the recognition for one of the most outstanding research achievements.
  • The title of Distinguished Professor was awarded to Prof. Dr. Franc Smole.
  • The Prešeren Award for the work “Mechanism of a Robotic Device for Finger and Wrist Exercise” was awarded to Ana Mandeljc.
  • Recognition for professional staff at the University of Ljubljana for their significant contribution to improving work processes and the positive climate at the faculties and rectorate was awarded to Erna Novak, Marija Kutnar, and Špela Hren.

  • The Certificate of Honour for Students with the Best Academic Achievements was awarded to Emina Ferzana Uzunović and Klemen Pevec.
  • The Golden Plaque of the University of Ljubljana, awarded for outstanding contributions to the development of scientific, pedagogical, or artistic creation and the enhancement of the reputation of the University of Ljubljana, was also awarded this year to Prof. Janez Krč from the Laboratory for Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics.
  • The Certificate of Honour for Young Higher Education Teachers and Associates, awarded by the University of Ljubljana for exceptional pedagogical, research, and artistic achievements, was awarded to Assoc. Prof. Peter Naglič from the Laboratory for Imaging Technologies.
  • The Recognition for Professional Staff at the University of Ljubljana for their significant contribution to improving work processes and the positive climate at the faculties and rectorate was awarded to Mag. Tea Urankar, Secretary of the Faculty, and Dr. Nina Gržinič Frelih from the Communications Service.
  • The Rector’s Award for Best Innovation in the Category of Researchers Regularly Employed at the University was awarded to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Matej Reberšek, Prof. Damijan Miklavčič, and Asst. Dr. Eva Pirc.

  • The Golden Plaque of the University of Ljubljana, awarded for exceptional contributions to the development of scientific, pedagogical, or artistic creation and enhancing the reputation of the University of Ljubljana, was also awarded this year to Prof. Andrej Kos, head of the Laboratory for Telecommunications, a respected educator, and mentor. As a visiting professor, he has lectured at several prestigious foreign universities. His scientific research focuses on cyber infrastructures and applications, including 5G and 6G networks. In addition to EU projects and projects funded by the Slovenian Research Agency, he achieves excellent results in numerous industry collaborations and participates in committees and boards at the faculty, university, and international professional associations.
  • The Certificate of Honour for Young Higher Education Teachers and Associates for exceptional pedagogical, research, and artistic achievements at UL FE was awarded to Asst. Dr. Matevž Bošnak, who demonstrates a high level of resourcefulness, diligence, and problem-solving ability in his research work. He is considered an outstanding expert in the field of automation, particularly autonomous mobile systems. The Slovenian Research Agency has ranked his contribution to the development of a device for walking rehabilitation among the six most prominent achievements in technology in the “Excellence in Science” selection.
  • The title of Distinguished Professor was awarded to Prof. Borut Zupančič, who began his work at the University of Ljubljana in 1977 and continued until his retirement. His research primarily focuses on modeling, simulation, and control. He has received several national awards for his research work. The quality of his pedagogical work is reflected in his 14 textbooks and other teaching materials and his 77 mentorships. He is also the co-author of a scientific monograph published by the international publisher Prentice Hall.
  • The Certificate of Honour for Students with the Best Academic Achievements was awarded to Anja Šurina and Matej Tomc from UL FE. Anja Šurina has an average grade of 9.77 in her three years of university studies in Electrical Engineering. In addition to her studies, she is involved in the faculty’s research activities and is currently the president of the Student Council of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering. In her free time, she trains jazz ballet and travels.
    Matej Tomc completed the undergraduate Electrical Engineering program with an average exam grade of 9.82. He continued his studies in the master’s program in Electrical Engineering, specializing in Robotics, with a perfect exam average of 10. At the Soča Institute, he is involved in the development of devices to assist in the rehabilitation of stroke patients.
  • The Recognition for Special Achievements of Students was awarded to the Multimedia Student Team at UL FE, consisting of Žana Juvan, Maša Egart, Ana Berkopec, Anže Zadravec, Tim Jeršič, Andrej Kokalj, and Yari Stepanov. Since 2016, the Multimedia Student Team has actively participated in promoting the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana in the field of multimedia by assisting in event preparations, filming faculty events, creating promotional videos, streaming events, and providing multimedia support.
  • The Recognition for Professional Staff at the University of Ljubljana for their significant contribution to improving work processes and the positive climate at the faculties and rectorate was awarded to Petra Koželj from UL FE. Since 2013, she has effectively managed the research sector at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, ensuring excellent support for researchers in project management. Her motivation, precision, and dedication have undoubtedly contributed to the better functioning of the faculty.

  • The Certificate of Honour for Students with the Best Academic Achievements was awarded to Špela Tomšič and Klemen Pevec.
  • The University Prešeren Award 2019 was awarded to Andrej Lavrič.
  • The Certificate of Honour for Young Higher Education Teachers was awarded to Ass. Dr. Nik Stopar.
  • The Recognition for Professional Staff at the University of Ljubljana was awarded to Mag. Zdenka Oven.

  • The Honorary Doctorate of the University of Ljubljana was awarded to Dr. Lluis M. Mir.
  • The Golden Plaque of the University of Ljubljana was awarded to Prof. Rafael Mihalič.
  • The Certificate of Honour for Young Higher Education Teachers was awarded to Ass. Dr. Sebastjan Šlajpah.
  • The Recognition for Professional Staff at the University of Ljubljana was awarded to Marjanca Rebernik.
  • The Certificate of Honour for Students with the Best Academic Achievements was awarded to Gašper Podobnik and Rok Šikonja.
  • The Recognition for Special Achievements of Students was awarded to the Student Association of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science EESTEC.

  • The Golden Plaque of the University of Ljubljana was awarded to Prof. Marko Topič.
  • The Plaque Pro Universitate Labacensi was awarded to Academician, Emeritus Prof. Alojz Kralj.
  • The University Prešeren Award was awarded to Helena Cindrič for her thesis Numerical Study of the Feasibility of Electrochemotherapy of Tumors in the Spine via Transpedicular Approach (supervisor Prof. Damijan Miklavčič, co-supervisor Ass. Dr. Bor Kos).
  • The Certificate of Honour for Students with the Best Academic Achievements was awarded to Uroš Hudomalj.
  • The Rector’s Recognition for Special Achievements and Involvement in Extracurricular Activities was awarded to the Student Organization of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (ŠOFE).
  • The Recognition for Professional Staff was awarded to Tomaž Plestenjak.

  • The Golden Plaque of the University of Ljubljana was awarded to Prof. Igor Škrjanc.
  • The Certificate of Honour for Young University Teachers and Staff was awarded to Doc. Dr. Matej Kranjc, Ass. Dr. Benjamin Lipovšek, and Ass. Dr. Grega Jakus.
  • The University Prešeren Award was awarded to Gregor Černe for his thesis Short-Term Electricity Consumption Prediction Using Soft Takagi-Sugeno Models (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Igor Škrjanc).
  • The Certificate of Honour for Students with the Best Academic Achievements was awarded to Timotej Gruden and Aljaž Blatnik.
  • The Rector’s Recognition for Special Achievements and Involvement in Extracurricular Activities was awarded to the Association of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Students (FE and FRI) EESTEC.

  • The Honorary Senator of the University of Ljubljana was awarded to Dr. Justin Teissie.
  • The Honorary Professor of the University of Ljubljana title was awarded to Prof. Drago Matko and Prof. Tomaž Slivnik.
  • The Golden Plaque of the University of Ljubljana was awarded to Prof. Marko Munih.
  • The Certificate of Honour for Young University Teachers and Staff was awarded to Ass. Dr. Vitomir Štruc.
  • The University Prešeren Award was awarded to Ian Aleksander Mihailović for his thesis Fabrication and Characterization of MoOx Memristors and TaS2 Memory Elements (supervisor: Prof. Franc Smole).
  • The Certificate of Honour for Students with the Best Academic Achievements was awarded to Teodora Dimitrovska, Mitja Breznik, and Matej Čadež.
  • The Recognition for Students for Special Achievements and Involvement in Extracurricular Activities was awarded to the Days of Industrial Robotics, DIR 2015 event.

  • The Honorary Professor of the University of Ljubljana title was awarded to Acad. Prof. Tadej Bajd.
  • The Golden Plaque of the University of Ljubljana was awarded to Prof. Damijan Miklavčič.
  • The University Prešeren Award was awarded to Janja Dermol for her research work Mathematical Modeling of Cell Membrane Permeabilization and Cell Survival (mentor: Prof. Damijan Miklavčič).
  • The Pro Universitate Labacensi Plaque was awarded to the company TELEKOM d.d..
  • The Certificate of Honour for Young University Staff Members was awarded to Ass. Dr. Vito Logar.
  • The Certificate of Honour for Students was awarded to Dora Domanjko, Jure Sokolič, Marko Jošt, and Katja Pretnar.
  • The Rectors Award for Best Innovation was awarded to the Enolyse Project (Jaka Ogorevc, Martin Blazinšek, Primož Zajec).

  • The Golden Plaque of the University of Ljubljana was awarded to Prof. Drago Matko.
  • The Certificate of Honour for Young University Teachers of the University of Ljubljana was awarded to Ass. Dr. Melita Hajdinjak.
  • The Rectors Award for Best Innovation was awarded to the ECTplan Project (LBK team: Prof. Damijan Miklavčič, Ass. Dr. Bor Kos, Ass. Dr. Denis Pavliha, Dr. Anže Županič (associate member of LBK), Marija Marčan, Prof. Gregor Serša (partner from OI Ljubljana)).
  • The Rectors Award for Best Innovation second place was awarded to the Bimeo Project (Dr. Aleš Hribar, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Matjaž Mihelj, Prof. Marko Munih, Tadej Beravs, Dr. Matic Trlep).

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411