Employee directory

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Name and Surname




Andrej Švigelj

Laboratory of Microelectronics

Rok Tavčar

Laboratory of Metrology and Quality

Domen Težak

Laboratory for Robotics

Marko Tkalčič

Laboratory of Metrology and Quality

Dejan Tomaževič

Laboratory of Imaging Technologies

Simon Tomažič

Laboratory of Control Systems and Cybernetics

Sašo Tomažič

Laboratory of Information Technologies

Žan Tomazini

Laboratory of Metrology and Quality

Matjaž Tome

Laboratory of Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics

Simona Tominec

Technical/Maintenance Department

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E:  dekanat@fe.uni-lj.si T:  01 4768 411