Once a member of the faculty, always a member of the faculty!
The Alumni Club of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Ljubljana (UL FE) is a professional, scientific and social meeting point for graduates of all study programmes and different generations who have successfully completed their studies at UL FE. The Alumni Club promotes the maintenance of ties and networking between UL FE graduates and the faculty’s professors, colleagues and partners.
Expand your network and join your colleagues on the UL Alumni web portal. Together we will be even stronger.
The Alumni Club enables further personal and professional development of UL FE graduates, promotes the knowledge and achievements of its members, and ensures the reputation of the electrical engineering profession and the education provided by the faculty. In the Alumni Club, graduates can improve their knowledge and share their experiences through examples of good practice.
Members of the UL FE Alumni Club can be active in various fields:
- as mentors to students,
- as organisers of workshops, seminars, round tables and other meetings,
- as club sponsors
- and, last but not least, as organisers of sporting, cultural and other social events.
Anyone who has successfully completed their studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Ljubljana can become a member of the FE Alumni Club. Membership of the alumni club also means the opportunity to meet and socialise with former classmates, reminisce and exchange information and experiences, network, further professional development and, last but not least, pleasantly spend your free time. Keeping in touch with alumni after graduation is an opportunity to gain a wealth of information, learn new skills and share different experiences.
Benefits of Alumni Club membership:
- Supporting members in their professional and scientific work.
- Keeping up with new developments at the faculty and supporting faculty development.
- Keeping you informed about events at the faculty and developments in the field of electrical engineering.
- Keeping different generations, classmates, business partners, professors or colleagues connected and communicating.
- Sharing experiences and good practices.
- Members socialise in formal and informal ways.
- Help with new business ideas.
- Promoting the achievements of club members and faculty.
- Networking events (seminars, workshops, dinners, debates, lectures,
round tables, …). - Database of knowledge, articles and pictures from Alumni Club events.
- Members can set up different “subsections” e.g. energy people, basketball fans, photographers, etc.
- Help organise and run various events (alumni reunions, sports events).
- Event sponsorship.
- Help finding alumni who are not yet in the Alumni Club.
All of you who have completed any level of studies at the University of Ljubljana and have registered on the UL Alumni portal are entitled to benefits organised by the University and its partners.

UL FE Alumni Club Leadership
President of the UL FE Alumni Club: dr. Jaka Ogorevc
After grauduating high school, Jaka Ogorevc continued his studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at UL and graduated in 2010. He then joined the Laboratory for Metrology and Quality as a young researcher and completed his PhD in 2018 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Janko Drnovšek. He continues his career at Dewesoft, where he is a product manager.
Secretary of the UL FE Alumni Club: Valentina Stanić
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Alumni Club
Tržaška cesta 25
1000 Ljubljana