Subject description
After an introductiory lecture on the necessary background of the activities involved in the course, the students' activities include classes on topics in computer and information science and lab work with students of elementary and high schools, organizing study groups of students at the 1st degree level, attending extracurricular lectures at the University of Ljubljana on subjects associated to the topics of the course.
The subject is taught in programs
Objectives and competences
The object of this course is to provide a framework for awarding study credits for extracurricular non-profit activities of students related to computer and information science, providing useful experience for experts in this field that are not included in the curriculum of the study program.
General competences:
- The ability of professional communication in the native language as well as a foreign language
- The ability of teamwork within the professional environment; management of a small professional team
- The ability for administrative management of processes related to research, industry, education and other fields
- The ability of knowledge transfer and writing skills in the native language as well as a foreign language.
Subject specific competences:
- Completing smaller practical projects and solve problems in the fields for computer and information science
- Obtaining the knowhow to choose the suitable tools and technologies for a specific problem
- Developing teaching skills and means for popularizing computer and information science topics and issues.
- Participating in group solutions, organizing and supervising the work of a smaller group including the preparation of the necessary materials, planning group work, etc.
Teaching and learning methods
Lectures, individual work with students, seminars with oral presentations with special emphasis on group work.
Expected study results
Basic educational principles and teaching practice in the process of introducing computer science topics to smaller groups of younger students, organization of group work, understanding the role of such competencies in the work of an expert in the field of computer and information science.
Basic sources and literature
Keller Gustav, Binder Annette, Thiel Rolf Dietmar (1999). Boljša motivacija uspešnejše učenje (translated from German); Trening učnih navad. Ljubljana: Center za psihodiagnostična sredstva.
Bratanič, Marija (1990), Mikropedagogija, interakcijsko-komunikacijski aspekt odgoja, Školska knjiga, Zagreb