Digital marketing

Subject description

Due to the rapid changes the course content will accommodate the development in this area:

1. Introduction to Digital Marketing

2. The characteristics and behavior of consumers in the digital marketing

3. The digital marketing and market research

4. Products and services in digital marketing

5. Special pricing in the digital marketing

6. Marketing channels in digital marketing

7. Digital Marketing Communications

8. Marketing relationships in the digital marketing

9. Business Models of Digital Marketing

10. The marketing plan for the needs of digital marketing

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

– To acquaint students with the influence and the potential efficient use of new technologies in the field of marketing.

– To support critical evaluation of information technologies and the impact on the existing beliefs, paradigms and the strategic, operational and tactical marketing frameworks.

– To emphasize the strategic aspect and the potential use of e- marketing tools to change marketing strategies.

– To encourage teamwork through the use of new information technologies and the application of acquired knowledge to solve specific problems.

– To acquaint with concrete examples from practice of digital marketing.

– Through the content and method of work of the course to emphasize the ethical aspect and stimulate the students' sensitivity to the issues raised by technological advancement.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures: With the participation of guests from practice.

Seminars: They allow deepening knowledge of digital marketing. Students analyze case studies and discuss practical marketing problems. In groups throughout the semester they prepare a project (e-marketing plan) based on concrete examples from digital marketing. The project aims at verifying the understanding of key concepts and tools and promoting the use of tools to detect and solve business problems. The project is prepared in writing (up to 20 pages + annexes) and defended orally in the course seminars (30 minutes presentation + 15 minutes discussion).

Examples are discussed in lectures and practical exercises. Block preparation and presentation of a seminar paper on one of the topics of digital marketing is required.

Expected study results

Knowledge and understanding:

– Understanding the impact and possibilities of efficient use of new technologies in the field of marketing.
– Critical evaluation of information technologies and the impact on the existing beliefs, paradigm and the strategic, operational and tactical marketing frameworks.
– Knowledge of strategic perspective and potential use of e-marketing tools to change marketing strategies.
– Knowledge of tools for solving specific problems in the field of digital marketing.
– Understanding the ethical point of view on the issues raised by human technological achievements.

Basic sources and literature

Chaffey, D., Ellis-Chadwick, F.: Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, 5/E (2012) (
Izbrani članki in relevantne povezave na spletni strani predmeta. / Selected articles and relevant links to sources from the course web-page

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411