Economic and sociological aspects of rural development

Subject description

The content of the course stresses the characteristics and problems of the multifunctionality of the rural areas: understanding the complexity of rural areas and life praxis of its inhabitants, what make it necessary to include economic, sociological, cultural, spatial and ecological views in the rural development: 

  • Conceptual bases: models of economic development and their application in the development of the countryside; alternative approaches to rural development (exogenic, endogenic); typological articulation of the countryside and its functionality.
  • Structural changes in the countryside and diversification: dimensions and factors of structural change in agriculture; changing economic and spatial role of the countryside; economic diversification as a response to structural change.
  • Rural areas in the system of economic development plans: development of rural areas and sectorial policies; development of rural areas and regional development; development of rural areas and local development initiatives; qualitative and quantitative approaches to assessing development policies in rural areas.
  • Sustainable development and development of rural areas: concept(s) of sustainability, inclusion of the principle of sustainability in the model of a circular economy, environmental aspects of rural development (methods of economic assessment of environmental impact, principle of managing renewable natural resources).
  • Spatial planning aspects of rural development: principle of spatial planning in the rural space; the countryside as a space of consumption; competition among alternative uses of rural space; regulating farmland from the point of view of multifunctionality of rural space.
  • Sociological and cultural aspects of rural development: understanding the life of the rural population as a socially constructed reality; concept of social inclusion and exclusion in rural areas; needs, feelings and interests of participants in rural development on micro-, mezzo- and macro-levels.
  • Specific aspects of rural development:

–   Sustainability of touristic and recreational use of the rural space.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

The student qualify him or her in the use of methods, approaches, techniques and concepts connected with research and management of the multifunctionality of rural areas.

The aim of the subject is to qualify the student for independent, successful and professional tasks connected with studying socio-economic processes and planning and implementing development programmes in rural areas.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, seminars, project workshops.

Expected study results

Knowledge and understanding:

Upon completion of the course student knows the conceptual basis for an approach for rural development, and understands the structural factors of development, and placement of rural areas within economic system, the spatial aspects of rural areas, as well as sociological and cultural aspects of rural development.

Basic sources and literature

Fulkerson Gregory M., Thomas Alexander R., eds. 2013. Studies in urbanormativity: Rural communities in urban society. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. – 296  str. ISBN 978-0-7391-7877-5

Copus, A.K., Lima, P. de. 2015 Teritorial cohesion in rural Europe: the relational turn in rural development. New York, Routledge.- 278 str. ISBN 9781138363854

OECD, 2006 The NEW rural paradigm : policies and governance. – Paris : OECD, 2006. – 164 str.

Moseley, M.J. 2003 Rural development: principles and Practices. SAGE, London,240 str. ISBN:0761947671

OECD, 2006. Coherence of agricultural and rural development policies (Diakosavvas, D, ed.). Paris, OECD, 2006, 415 str.

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