Electronic Business

Subject description

The course contains the following themes:

1.         Introduction and basic definitions.

2.         E-business as the first phase of digital transformation, industry 4.0 as the second phase.

3.         Systemic view (business dynamics) on e-business through its generic structures (internal and external logistic and value added chains, the influence  of decision making on their behavior).

4.         Technological views: EDI, XML, web services, component architectures, digital payment systems (BitCoin) and blockchains, semantic web technologies, data integration, business processes integration (BPEL, BPMN), internet of things and mobile applications, secutiy in e-Business.

5.         Organizational views: evolution of business functions, processes and information systems, new business models, auditing procedures (COBIT).

6.         Latest trends – penetration of artificial inteligence (AI) based solutions, artificial agents based business simulations and machine learning basics through agents simulations.

7.         Legislation views with emphasis on ZEPEP, ZEPEP-A, ZEKOM and KZ.

8.         Specific views related to development and introduction of e-business systems: strategic planning changes, use of formal methods (language Z), and compliance with standards like Common Criteria.

9.         Intelectual property issues, concrete examples and procedures with the latest legislation in this area.

10.        Conclusions.

11.        Addendum: Mini practical tasks covering the latest selected technological trends.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

The objective of the course is to familiarize students with technological, organizational and legal knowledge that is required in e-business along with the latest trends in this area. The emphasis is on practical skills, i.e., students model a business (sub)process, develop a necessary e-business application and integrate it with the background information system.

Categorized competences:

– The ability to define, understand and solve creative professional challenges in computer and information science.

– The ability of professional communication in the native language as well as in a foreign language.

– Compliance with security, functional, economic and environmental principles.

– The ability to understand and apply computer and information science knowledge to other technical and relevant fields (organisational science, etc).

-The ability to independently perform less demanding and less complex engineering and organisational tasks requiering the application of in computer and information systems domain.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures, laboratory work (with practical prototype implementations), students’ presentations.

Attendance of laboratory work is mandatory (the exact percentage is announced at the beginning of a study year).

The lecturer may impose mandatory attendance of lectures.

Expected study results

After completing this course a student will:

-understand the key concepts of e-business;

-know the key business solutions in the area of e-business;

-be able to develop basic solutions for e-business and their administration;

-will know how to integrate acquired knowledge with associated engineering areas, in particular information systems development, web and mobile applications;

-will be familiar with the basic principles of business thinking;

-will be able to prepare short articles and their oral presentations with themes in the area of e-business.

Basic sources and literature

1.         D. Trček: Elektronsko poslovanje, kopije prosojnic, FRI UL, Ljubljana, 2023.

2.         D. Trček, Trust and reputation management systems : an e-business perspective. [S. l.]: Springer, cop. 2018. ilustr. Springer Briefs in inf. Systems, ISBN 978-3-319-62374-0.

Dodatna literatura / Additional literature:

3.         G.Westerman et al, Leading Digital: Turning Technology into Business Transformation, Harward Business Review Press, Boston, 2014.

4.         Dave Chaffey: E-Business and E-Commerce Management, FT Prentice Hall, 2011.

5.         Sterman J.: Business Dynamics, Prentice Hall, 2002.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E:  dekanat@fe.uni-lj.si T:  01 4768 411