Energy and Environment

Subject description

The energy needs. The role of energy in society. Sustainable energy. The primary sources of energy. Fundamentals of energy conversion into electric energy. Conventional sources of electric energy. Renewable sources of electric energy. Alternative sources of electricity. The energy conversion efficiencies. Impact of electric power generation on the environment. The role and the basic characteristics of electric power systems. Fundamentals of the operation of electric power systems. The features of electric energy transmission. Distribution of electric energy. Characteristics of electric energy consumption. Rational use of energy. The current issues of electric power supply. Environmental issues (NIMBY effect – Not In My Back Yard, banana effect – Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anything  – or Anyone). Increasing transmission capacity (investments not finished, environmental protection). Reliability of electric power supply. Power quality. Electricity market and its impacts. Design of power systems. Maintenance of power systems. New technology for generation, transmission, distribution and consumption of electric energy.

The subject is taught in programs

Electrical engineering 1st level

Objectives and competences

Students will get a comprehensive view of energy demand and exploitation of primary energy resources. They will acquire basic knowledge in the field of electric power supply through learning about the electric energy generation, its transmission and distribution. The subject highlights the environmental aspects, the impact of the electricity market the development of new technologies, renewable energy sources (wind, water, solar, biomass) and efficient use of energy.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures and exercises.

Expected study results

Student will be capable to assess what are the needs for energy.  Student will be capable to calculate how much electric energy is transformed from the primary sources of energy. Student will be capable to assess what are the related consequences to the environment. Student will be capable to assess, how the electric energy is transmitted and distributes to the customers. The student will be capable to mathematically model the main problems in the field of energy and to solve them. The problem area includes efficient use of energy, existing and new technologies considering the quality of electric energy and the electric market.

Basic sources and literature

1. Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers, The McGraw-Hill, 2006

2. B. Sorensen, Renewable Energy, Fourth Edition, Elsevier Inc., 2010

3. Solar Energy Engineering, Elsevier Inc., 2009

4. Renewable Energy Conversion, Transmission and Storage, Elsevier Inc., 2007

5. S. Pryja, D. J. Inman, Energy Harvesting Technology, Springer, 2009

6. R. A. Higgins, Energy Storage, Springer, 2010

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411