Fundamentals of Mechatronics

Subject description

Definition of mechatronics and concept of synergetic interaction between electronics, mechanics and computer engineerinf. Examples of mechatronic systems. Motion equations and modelling of mechanical systems. Mechanical components in mechatronics. Amplifiers. Sensors. Actuators: electromechanic, pneumatic and hydraulic systems. Principles, planning and  management of mechatronic systems. Control systems in mechatronics (programmable logic controllers, microprocessor systems) and fundamentals of their operation: architecture, program support, communication. Analysis of operation of particular mechatronic system.

The subject is taught in programs

Electrical engineering 1st level

Objectives and competences

Acquirement of basic engineering knowledge on electric and non-electric components of mechatronic systems, as well as on the synthesis of mechanical, electrical and computer systems into the final product.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures (30 hours) and group projects/exercises (30 hours). Foreign students: project/seminar.

Expected study results

Knowledge and understanding:

The student will consolidate his/her knowledge in microprocessor technics, electrical machines and measurement techniques from a point of view of applicability and thus will gain an insight into areas of studying at higher grades. With it, he/she will get general knowledge and technical culture needed for modern multidisciplinary approaches to solving engineering problems.


The student will get acquainted with components of mechatronic systems, with an emphasis on programmable controllers, where he/she will learn how to program solutions to various problems.


The student will critically evaluate requirements for mechatronic systems, possibilities of a control algorithm and will get acquainted with safety demands when programming it.

Transferable skills:

Through laboratory work, the student will accustom a systematic approach, appropriate documentation of ideas. He is awared of complexity and multidisciplinary nature of mechatronic systems. The student will be able to upgrade the knowledge, obtained within this course, for the realization of the most demanding mechatronic systems.

Basic sources and literature

  1. Godfrey C. Onwubolu: Mechatronics – Principles and applications, Elsevier, 2005
  2. Rolf Isermann: Mechatronics systems – Fundamentals, Springer, 2005
  3. Control and Mechatronics, edited by B. M. Wilamowski and J. D. Irwin, CRC Press, 2011
  4. Vanja Ambrožič, David Nedeljković: Uvod u programirljive krmilne sisteme, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, Ljubljana, 2011

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411