High value added compounds from woody biomass

Subject description

Potential of different categories of woody biomass for production of high-added value products. Global trends in the field of ligno-cellulosic biomass processing: acquisition of structural components of cell walls and natural products of wood plants (extractives).

Natural products of woody biomass, systematics and variability. Features of extraction techniques for the production of extractive from woody biomass. Preparative separation and isolation, and qualitative and quantitative analysis of compounds. Use of extractive in different fields of applications.

Hierarchical structure of woody fibers. Preparation of micro-fibrillated (MFC) and nano-fibrillated cellulose (NFC) cellulose. Preparation of cellulose nano-chrystals (CN). Physical and chemical properties of MFC, NFC and CN. Restrictions in use and modification of cellulose surface. Application of NFC and CN as reinforcing material, as basic and additive for films, membranes, coatings, foams, hydrogels and aerogels, as well as carriers for bioactive substances from woody biomass. Overview of innovative use of lignin and hemicelluloses.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences


To get knowledge on potential of of different categories of woody biomass for production of high-added value products. To gain specialized knowledge in the field of production and use of extractives, and micro- and nano-fibrilated cellulose from woody biomass.


Doctorand is competent for evaluation of suitability of ligno-cellulosic biomass for production of high value added products. He has competences for independent research in the field of extractives and NFC.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures (100 h)

Seminar (20 h)

Laboratory work (10 h)

Others (5 h)

Expected study results

Knowledge and understanding:

Doctorand understands different categories of woody biomass and understands its potential for production of high value added products. He is familiar with contemporary trends in biorefinery processing, with the accent on extractives and NFC. He understands extraction and isolation techniques as well as value and use of extractives. He understands preparation of MFC, NFC and CN from woody biomass. He knows physical and chemical features of these products. He knows methods for NFC modification and possibilities for its use in different materials.


Doctorand is able to critically asses potential of woody biomass for production of two groups of products, extractives and MFC and NFC. He is able to assess the suitability of appropriate procedures for production of extractives, their isolation and qualitative and quantitative evaluation. He gets deeper insight into production cellulose fragment s of micro and nano scale dimensions. He is able to reflect properties of NFC and CN and suitability for their use.

Transferrable knowledge:

Doctorand is able to use the knowledge in other courses of the study. He is able to constructively use the professional and scientific literature in his research work. Acquired knowledge fulfils integral insight into problematic of exploitation of woody biomass.


Basic sources and literature

Fengel D., Wegener G. 1989. Wood, Chemistry, Ultrastucture, Reactions. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter: 613 str.

Hon, D.N.-S. , Shiraishi, N. 2000. Wood and cellulosic chemistry. Marcell Dekke, New York, Basel. 914.

Rowe, J.W. Natural products of woody plants I and II. Springer Verlag. 1243 str.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E:  dekanat@fe.uni-lj.si T:  01 4768 411