Integrated Microsystems SoC and analog-digital integrated circuits

Subject description

The student selects one of the following modules:

A.  SoC design and nanonelectronic circuits – Modeling of sensors and nanostructure design, Trends in advanced mixed integrated circuits design in nano-technologies. Problems and solutions in modern sub-micron and nano circuits, Solving small tasks in circuit design with extreme short-channel MOSFETs with structure sizes of about and below 90nm, Overview of nanoelectronics.

B.  Advanced analog/digital integrated circuit and SoC– selections – Concept of sensors integration in SoC, Project managing and case study from selected areas – System specifications, Device specifications, Test specifications (UHF systems on chip, optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEICs), Integrated magnetic systems, Systems with chemical sensors, Smart active/passive labels technology (SAL), Protocols integration, UHF-GEN2 and MEMS technology).

C.  Industrial and intellectual property, basics of marketing techniques – Intellectual property, Protection of intellectual property. Understanding and implementing the marketing process for technical products, Design effort, NRE, royalties, Cost of ASIC processing, MPW and MLM cost, dedicated MLM versus MPW, cost of wafers; market and competitors.

D. SoC evaluation and testing technology – Build-in tests,  System knowledge needed, SoC testing and product evaluation methods, Yield, Thyristor effect, ESD protection, solutions and testing for EMI, Quality control, Burn-in testing, Reliability improvement, Wafer testing, Modern packaging technologies, Flip-chip and wafer-bumping technologies, Failure analysis.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

The objective of this course is to acquaint students with the advanced design and marketing methods in micro- and nanoelectronics.

Teaching and learning methods

  • lectures,
  • project.

Expected study results

Knowledge and understanding:

On completion of this course the student will be able to

Module A: understand all the aspects of the mixed signal ASIC design using micro and nanotechnologies, solving small tasks in circuit design and finding solutions for physically-based problems in technology CAD.

Module B: prepare simple system specifications, get system knowledge and understand systems integration of ASIC.

Module C: understand the protection of intellectual property, understand and implement the marketing process for technical products, prepare design effort and basics of managing projects.

Module D: describe types of test specifications, describe ASIC evaluation approaches and write a test report. Understanding quality issue taking into account ESD, EMI, …

Transferable/Key skills and other attributes:

  • Communication skills: project presentations and written report, oral examination, preparation of system and testing documentation.
  • Use of information technology: use of professional CAD equipment.
  • Organisation skills: understanding of IP and marketing processes.
  • Working in a group: beneficial of the team work.

Basic sources and literature

  • E. Carey, S. Lidholm: Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits, Springer, New York, 2005.
  • W. Mc. Sansen: Analog Design Essentials, Springer, Dordrecht, 2006.
  • Fayed, M. Ismail: Adaptive Techniques for Mixed Signal System on Chip, Springer, 2006.
  • S. G. Narendra, A. Chandrakasan: Leakage in nanometer CMOS technologies, Springer, 2005

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411