Subject description
Introduction: Building blocks, architectures and services in interactive multimedia systems
Interactivity: Principles of interactivity and interaction modalities (voice, gestures, different devices and controls, second screen and companion screen).
User devices and sensors (advanced input/output interaction devices). Technology aspects of integrating the interactive control devices with multimedia services.
The user experience: the importance of good user experience, design and evaluation of user interfaces and user experience (user-centered design). Specifics of different user groups. Adapting services and interfaces to users and context of use (personalization).
The subject is taught in programs
Objectives and competences
Understand the basic of multimedia systems. Knows the principles of interactivity and is able to assess the suitability of different modalities of interaction for the selected device and service. Understand the technological aspects of the interactive systems, including the devices and sensors.
Knows the principles of design and evaluation of user interfaces with knowledge of the specifics of different user groups.
Teaching and learning methods
Lectures or mentoring
Expected study results
Knowledge of basic building blocks, architectures and services in multimedia systems.
Understanding of the principles of interactivity with the knowledge of different modalities of interaction and suitability of their use in various services and devices. Understanding the technological aspects of communication between interactive controllers and services.
Understanding the importance of user experience in multimedia services, knowledge of user-centered design and evaluation of user interfaces. Understanding the differences and needs of different user groups in terms of ease of interaction and use of services.
Basic sources and literature
- Vaughan T.; Multimedia: Making it work, McGraw -Hill Osborne media; 2010
- Bassi A., Bauer M., Fiedler M., Kramp T., Kranenburg R.; Enabling Things to Talk: Designing IoT solutions with the IoT Architectural Reference Model;Springer Open, 2013
- Albert W., Tullis T.; Measuring the user experience: collecting, analyzing, and presenting usability metrics; Elsevier, 201
- Krug, S.; Don't Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability (3rd Edition); New Riders; 201
- Rogers, Y., Sharp, H., Preece, J.; Interaction Design: Beyond Human – Computer Interaction (3rd edition); Wiley, 2011.