International an EU forest policy

Subject description

Forests play an important role in achieving various goals at global, pan-European, EU and national levels by providing economic, ecological and social functions. Their importance has been increasing significantly in recent years, also in relation to the goals of other policies (e.g., climate goals, biodiversity goal, environmental goals, energy goals) as well as global ecological problems. In this course, students will learn about:

  • Ecological (environmental), economic and society reasons for development of international and EU forest policy
  • Historical overview of development of international and EU forest policy initiatives and processes
  • Forest- related cross-sectoral perspective and interes as key challenge for forest management at the global and EU levels
  • Basic data on forests and forest management at the global and EU levels
  • Global Forest goals and targets of the UN Strategic Plan for Forests 2030
  • Contribution of forests to the Agenda on Sustainable Development 2030 (Sustainable Development Goals – SDG)
  • Criteria and indicators of sustainable forest management (e.g., C&I Forest Europe, FSC and PEFC)
  • Processes, agreements, conventions and protocols at international and pan-European level related to forests and forestry
  • Classification of processes, agreements, conventions and protocols at international and pan-European level related to forests and forestry
  • Forestry at the EU level (review of EU legislation and other documents related to forests and forestry)
  • Forest policy actors and institutions at the international, pan-European and EU level
  • Impact of international, pan-European and EU political processes/documents on forest policy and forest management at national and local level, especially in Slovenia

Seminar assignment: The seminar assignment is dedicated to the analysis of selected topics that have a central place in the discussions at the global and European level during the implementation of the course.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

Objectives: Students learn about the most important problems related to forests and forestry at international, pan-European and EU level, as well as the most important processes and documents of forest policy and their influence on national legislation and forest management in Slovenia.

Competences: Students are able to independently, successfully and professionally understand and manage complex problems related to forest management; understand the processes, agreements, conventions and protocols at international, pan-European and EU level related to forests and forestry and their dynamics, identify and propose the necessary improvements in forest-related policies in Slovenia in the context of coordination with processes and policies at international, pan-European and EU level.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures (selected chapters) or consultation

Guided seminar

The content of the subject is adapted to the profile of PhD students.

Expected study results

Knowledge and understanding: The student understand and is able to deal comprehensively with international, pan-European and EU problems and processes, agreements, conventions and protocols related to forests and forestry that influence national forest-related policies.

Basic sources and literature

Seznam izbranih člankov in drugih materialov, ki bodo potrebni za seminarsko nalogo bo pripravljen vsako leto sproti, glede na aktualne teme.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411