Subject description
- the concept of military leadership, command and control,
- research methods of military skills and operational research,
- the process of planning military activities,
- staff culture,
- human resources management,
- military professional code and warrior ethics.
The subject is taught in programs
Objectives and competences
The students gain knowledge in researching military skills and solving tasks of leadership and command at the direct level. The student acquires basic knowledge of human resource management.
Teaching and learning methods
- Lectures
- Seminars
- Tutorials
The exercises are carried out according to plan:
40h: Lab. computer (15 students / group).
Expected study results
- Upon successful completion of the course, students will know:
- explain the basic ideas and concepts of command and control,
- define the theory of military leadership,
- define the specificity of ethical elements in the army,
- define psychological theories about human functioning,
- develop and use algorithms for researching military skills,
- create a unit operation plan using the processes and principles of the unit management process,
- prepare a map and slides for work.
Basic sources and literature
- Priročnik za usposabljanje poveljstev in enot, Mors, Ljubljana (2011);
- Kramar, M., & Cugmas, A. (2019). Vojaška didaktika (Elektronska izd., p. 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (232 ))). Center vojaških šol.;
- Mahmutović, J. (2011). Vojaško voditeljstvo in menedžment : gradivo za 2. letnik. Zavod IRC.;
- Unger, M. (Ed.). (2019). Pravila za štabno delo. Center vojaških šol.