Module D: World Wide Web

Subject description

  1. History and development of Internet and Web
  2. The basic principle of client-server communication (internet protocols, HTTP)
  3. Basics of administration of web servers (installation, management, security mechanisms)
  4. Security mechanisms on the Web (authentication, certificates, HTTPS protocol)
  5. Server side technologies (PHP, ASP, CGI, access to databases, java servlets)
  6. Client side technologies (web browser, HTML, CSS, scripting languages​​, DOM, AJAX, frameworks and programming libraries)
  7. Web services and technologies for semantic data exchange (XML, XSLT, JSON, SOAP, WSDL)
  8. Basics of web blogs, forums, Wikipedia, social networks, RSS technology)
  9. Mobile web (WAP, WML, responsive web design)
  10. Safety on the Web and web attacks (server attacks, client attacks, social engineering)

The subject is taught in programs

Electrical engineering 1st level

Objectives and competences

Basic principles of web technologies, server side and client side. Web languages for the definition and presentation of content and programming languages for the dynamic creation of web content. Basic principles of the description and search of web content and services. Different formats of online (multimedia) content and the corresponding technical requirements for the transfer of content and execution of web services. Adaptation of web content for desktop and mobile terminals. Knowledge of web safety and various types of web attacks.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures with practical demonstrations, lab work and the implementation of individual project under the mentorship of laboratory assistant.

Expected study results

After successful completion of the course, students should be able to:

  • describe basic properties of web protocols,
  • describe serverclient mechanisms,
  • use available tools and frameworks for development and modification of web content,
  • develop a simple web solution which includes server side and client side programming code,
  • describe types of  malware and cyberattacks as well as protection against them,
  • describe user experience design and evaluation.

Basic sources and literature

  1. Jackson, Jeffrey, C. »Web technologies: a computer science perspective«, 2006, 574 str.,  ISBN: 0-13-185603-0.
  2. Deitel, P. J., Deitel H. M., »Internet & World Wide Web: how to program (Fourth Edition)«, 2008, 1373 str., ISBN: 0-13-175242-1.
  3. W3Schools Online Web Tutorials,

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411