Power System Operation in Market Environment

Subject description

Impact of electricity market on power system operation: the role of producers, consumers, transmission and distribution networks and their technical constraints, methods for static analyses, sensitivity analyses, optimal power flow calculation.

Ancillary services: load forecasting, reserves, active power and frequency control, reactive power and voltage control, methods for voltage collapse proximity assessment, ancillary service procurement. Power system reliability, security of supply, reliability indices, network adequacy. Deterministic and stochastic concepts in power system operation and energy markets.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

Students will obtain an overview of power system operation in market environment. This course presents models of energy markets: physical market, financial markets, bilateral trading, organized markets: auction, intra-day market, continuous market, balancing market, cross-border trading, ancillary service procurement etc. Focus of this course is the impact of energy market on power system operation.

Teaching and learning methods

Lectures or seminars.

Expected study results

After successful completion of the course, students should be able to:

– develop mathematical models of basic elements of electric power system (generator, load, line, transformer),

– perform static analyses of power system operation in market environment (power flow calculation, contingency analyses, economic dispatch, unit commitment etc.),

– solve basic problems in the field of power system operation,

– develop optimization models and selection of appropriate optimization method for mathematical problems in the field of power system operation in market environment,

– assess electric power system reliability and economic feasibility of power system operation,

– interpret basic principles of electric energy and ancillary service markets.

Basic sources and literature

  1. Gubina F, (2006) Delovanje elektroenergetskega sistema, Založba ULFE, Ljubljana
  2. Pantoš M, Božič D (2014) Načrtovanje elektroenergetskega sistema, Založba ULFE, Ljubljana
  3. Pantoš M (2012) Exploitation of electric-drive vehicles in electricity markets. IEEE transactions on power systems 27/2:682-694
  4. Pantoš M (2011) Stochastic optimal charging of electric-drive vehicles with renewable energy. Energy 36/11:6567-6576
  5. Rejc M, Pantoš M (2011) Short-term transmission-loss forecast for the Slovenian transmission power system based on a fuzzy-logic decision approach. IEEE transactions on power systems 26/3:1511-1521
  6. Šmon I, Pantoš M, Gubina F (2008) An improved voltage-collapse protection algorithm based on local phasors. Electric power systems research 78/3:434-440
  7. Pantoš M (2013) Stochastic generation-expansion planning and diversification of energy transmission paths. Electric power systems research 98:1-10
  8. Božič D, Pantoš M (2013) Assessment of investment efficiency in a power system under performance-based regulation. Energy 51/1:330-338
  9. Pantoš M (2011) Market-based congestion management in electric power systems with increased share of natural gas dependent power plants. Energy 36/7:4244-4255

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E:  dekanat@fe.uni-lj.si T:  01 4768 411