Subject description
Digital electronics, basic elements, advantages of digital electronic systems implementation. Digital systems design technologies: printed circuit boards with logic parts and programmable devices.
Logic voltage levels, positive and negative logic. Basic logic gates, multiplexers, decoders, flip-flops, registers and memory. Connections of digital blocks: serial, parallel and feedback with examples of typical digital circuits. Description of digital circuit with state diagram and microoperations.
Operation of programmable circuits, microcontrollers and a simple microprocessor. Practical implementation of digital systems on programmable development board. Comparison of digital systems implemented with processor and custom digital circuit.
The subject is taught in programs
Objectives and competences
Knowledge of various digital systems and building blocks, specifically programmable systems. Understanding schematic description of the digital system and state diagram.
Practical skills for design of a small digital system using programmable logic.
Teaching and learning methods
Lectures and laboratory practice for learning basic theory and practical implementation of the digital systems.
Expected study results
After successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
- explain types of digital systems and building blocks
- use logic blocks for solving simple logic tasks
- design logic circuit schematics
- develop circuit description using state diagram or microoperations
- use programmable devices
- differentiate technology implementations of digital systems
Basic sources and literature
1. A. Trost: Uvod v programirljive digitalne sisteme, skripta, FE/FRI 2016, dostop:
2. M. M. Mano, Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals, Prentice Hall, 2007.
3. K. Parnell, N. Mehta, Programmable Logic Design Quick Start Handbook, Xilinx, 2004