Research planning and elaboration of a project proposal - practical course

Subject description

1. Writing a review article based on a literature review (Use of data sources, review of approaches to source evaluation, synthesis and conclusions).


2. Preparation of a peer-reviewed review article answering selected questions:

1. Does the abstract and introduction clearly identify the need for this research and its relevance?

2. Does the methodology adequately address the main question(s)?

3. Are the results presented in a clear and logical manner and are they justified by the data provided? 4. Are the figures clear and fully described?

4. Do the conclusions reasonably address the main questions raised by the author(s) in the introduction?

5. Are the questions raised in the Introduction adequately answered in the Conclusions.


3. Writing the research proposal (review of some existing ARRS and H2020 EU call forms)

The proposal contains the following elements:

– Abstract or abstract, problem, question or hypothesis

– Research methodology

– Ethical considerations

– Analysis of information / description of sample analysis

– Limitations and key assumptions

– References or bibliography


4. to produce a peer-reviewed research proposal that includes an evaluation of the following elements:

A. A summary of (the reviewer's) findings, including the strengths and weaknesses of the proposal;

B. an assessment of the proposal against the evaluation criteria; overall aims of the proposal, methods, questions, hypotheses, magic bullet, financial resources (cost-effectiveness).

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

Candidates are able to conduct a literature review, write a review article, review a scientific article, write a research proposal and review a research proposal.

Candidates are able to:

– Understand the basics of communication between different disciplines, between the natural and social sciences and the concept of co-creation in large-scale projects addressing broader societal challenges.

– To develop the design of a research project

– Understand the concept of open science, the concept of data re-use, the distinction between data, information and knowledge, the importance of data management

– Understand the concept and approaches in providing FAIR data and the importance of digitization in laboratory work

Teaching and learning methods

Instructions for preparation of review papers and project proposals, presentations, guided discussion and instructions for improvements

Expected study results

Knowledge and understanding:

– Writing a scientific project
– Literature search and analysis of literature as a basis for project proposal
– Reporting on the progress of the research work
– Presentation of the results of the research work

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411