Seminar: Robotics and Measurements

Subject description

Student uses knowledge gained in robotic and in measurement courses. For students from other Faculties the seminar is adequately adapted. Each student is working on the project on its own. The problems are selected according to the interest fields of Slovenian industry, who either introduce the robotic cells or are major robot users. The measurement cases are linked to the current research projects, cooperation in industrial projects, also technical legislation, safety and quality. Student can work on project in faculty labs, research institute or the company itself. Assigned is a working supervisor, included is in the expert team from research and industrial environment.

The subject is taught in programs

Objectives and competences

The goal is to include student into development and research work in the fields of robot introduction into industry and into fields of measurement in general. Encouraged is problem solving, which is not necessarily linked to the field of electrical engineering, but does require knowledge in electrical engineering. Emphasis will be given to cooperation with other fields of activities at FE. Student is gaining the ability to use robotic knowledge in practice, routine in identification of measurement problems within more complex processes, is searching for suitable solutions and analyzing the final solution. Mastered are research methods and procedures. Gained is autonomy in expert work. Accustomed is to group work. Developed are communication skills.

Teaching and learning methods

Individual project is assigned to the student at the beginning of semester. The supervisor is selected from the pool of university professors, assistants, researchers and developers at the faculty, research institute or company. Introductory, the problem is presented in detail.

Then the time plan is defined, milestones are specified, planned are possible unpredicted events, and proposed are measures of final result evaluation. During the semester the student is reporting twice about the work done, first orally and second in writing. At the end of semester the results are presented in accordance to the practice established for the conferences (publication in proceeding, public presentation, and selection of the best projects).

Expected study results

After successful completion of the course, students should be able to:

– note the initial situation of the problem,

– identify possible ways of problem solving,

– form and explain possible solutions,

– choose the optimal solution,

– implement the idea with minimal costs in a short time,

– to show, defend and critically evaluate their work.

Basic sources and literature

Članki iz robotskih in merilnih revij:

  1. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, International Journal of Robotic Research in drugi.
  2. Zborniki konferenc: ICRA, IROS in drugi.
  3. Učbeniki, študijsko gradivo in relevantna strokovna literatura s področja merjenj, robotike, tehniški standardi, EU in slovenska zakonodaja.

Articles from robotic and measurement journals:

  1. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, International Journal of Robotic Research and others
  2. Conference proceedings: ICRA, IROS and others.

Textbooks, study material and relevant expert literature in the fields of measurement, robotics, technical standards, EU and Slovenian legislation.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411