The modules of the study programme are optional in the summer semester of the 3rd year, regardless of the field of study of the study programme.

The aim of Module A is to introduce and train students with specific skills in process measurement systems and in quality and reliability control of products and systems.

Module A subjects

  • Process measurement systems
  • Quality and reliability control

The topic of process measurement systems includes the integration of measurement issues into process systems, and the treatment of measurement methods and instrumentation from the point of view of control engineering. In particular, the time response of measurement systems is addressed by means of modelling, and an analysis of the essential requirements for the selection of specific measurement equipment from the point of view of metrological parameters for control systems. General examples of measurement disturbances are discussed, as well as methods of implementing protection (shielding and earthing) for electronic measuring instruments and process measurement systems. The course deals in more detail with data transmission buses and introduces students to the basics of computer control of measurements (acquisition, processing and display of measurement data) and to the basics of virtual measuring instruments.

The theme of quality control and reliability involves learning about total quality management, the complex systems and tools of the various activities that are used to improve the quality of products and services. The student is introduced to tools for assessing measurable and non-measurable (descriptive) quality and reliability characteristics of components, assemblies and systems. The aim is also to delineate and understand the areas of safety and quality, reliability and maintainability, and to relate this to European requirements, both in terms of standardisation and technical requirements for products. The approach to quality and reliability control is also presented from an economic point of view. Practical examples are used to consolidate the theoretical knowledge.

Examination system
Students take both Module A examinations at the end of the semester after completing the practicum. By agreement, it is possible to take part of the examination on an ongoing basis during the semester by means of colloquia or a seminar paper.

Module B focuses on the design and implementation of integrated circuits and the design of digital electronic systems. The detailed content of both courses is as follows.

  • Integrated circuits
  • CMOS inverter: design, implementation, transmission characteristics, noise limits, delays, power consumption. Design of CMOS combinational and sequential circuits in different technologies.
  • Design of basic arithmetic logic building blocks: adders, multipliers, shift registers. Design and implementation of SRAM, DRAM, DDRAM, SDRAM and other memory circuits.
  • Design of basic analogue building blocks: current mirrors and sources, current and voltage references, differential stages, output stages, differential amplifiers.
  • Design of digital electronic systems
  • Digital system design: description of RTL-level operation, division into control logic and data processing logic, implementation and integration of the two parts.
  • Introduction to embedded IP (Intellectual Property) cores: processors, memories, communication units. Use of soft processor cores in programmable circuits.
  • Memory structures: working principle and implementation. Communication between building blocks in the system: I2C, CAN, USB, PCI, IrDA, Bluetooth.
  • Simultaneous hardware and software design and modelling of functionality in SystemC, SpecC, UML. Presentation of the design process and examples of design environments. Capability analysis and partitioning into hardware and software.
  • Examples of design and implementation of digital systems: digital camera, JPEG encoder, MPEG4 decoder, modem, set-top box.

Objectives and competences
The module provides fundamental knowledge of integrated circuits and the design and implementation of digital electronic systems. The knowledge acquired is the basis for the design of electronic circuits from the lowest transistor level up to the highest abstract level in languages for describing the operation of circuits.”

Intended learning outcomes
The student will learn the analysis and synthesis of electronic circuits and systems. The student will be able to design electronic circuits at different design levels in a selected target technology.”

Assessment methods
Report and completed laboratory project and oral examination. Grading scale: 1-10 (6-10 positive, 1-5 negative).”

Module C covers a comprehensive picture of electricity needs and the exploitation of primary resources. It provides a basic knowledge of electricity supply through an introduction to electricity generation, transmission and distribution. It highlights environmental aspects, the impact of the electricity market and the development of new technologies, renewable energy sources and energy efficiency.

The module provides an in-depth knowledge of the characteristics, design features and applications of different types of electrical machines. The emphasis is on the applied knowledge that the future designer or user needs in the selection, dimensioning and use of electrical machines.

The module includes two courses:

  • Electricity
  • Design of electromagnetic devices

The contents of Module D courses are from the field of information and communication technologies. The module consists of two subjects:

  • Secure communications
  • Satellite and navigation systems

Secure communications

In the global information and communication system, not only users are connected to the world, but the whole world is also connected to us. This can also bring various dangers, for example: loss of our data, loss of our privacy, or even theft of our identity.

Protecting the secrecy of written messages was already known to the ancient Egyptians and a little later to the ancient Greeks (kryptos logos), throughout the history of encryption we also know the Caesar cipher and much later, during the Second World War, the German Enigma mechanical encryption machine. Communication privacy used to be primarily based on the secrecy of encryption algorithms. Today, we use public standardized encryption algorithms, and the privacy of communication is based on the secrecy of encryption keys.

In the course Secure Communications, you will learn about various aspects of security, security mechanisms and encryption algorithms, which are intended to ensure security in modern radio communications, the Internet network and the World Wide Web. The last part of the course content is dedicated to the consideration of a completely new concept of quantum encryption and also new challenges to the security of existing encryption algorithms brought about by the technology of super-powerful quantum computers.

Satellite and navigation systems

The course initially focuses on understanding the differences between tracks, their shapes and the associated distances to Earth for the purposes of satellite communications and satellite navigation.

Satellite communication links and related planning, implementation, operation and use both in the ground station and on the satellite itself are discussed. Special emphasis is placed on the upcoming non-terrestrial networks, which will enable the direct and secure connection of sixth generation (6G) smartphones to the satellite.

The modern technological development of global satellite navigation systems, the introduction of new signals and progress in the production of receivers, which enable the simultaneous reception of signals from several global satellite systems (Galileo, GPS, GLONASS and BeiDou) on several frequencies, leads in the direction of high-quality positioning, navigation and time transmission, which are crucial for modern society.

Module E subjects

  • Software quality
  • Innovation process and patenting

The aim of the course is to learn about the basics of the innovation process, ways to protect intellectual property (industrial property, copyright), economic and legal aspects of intellectual property protection (what, where, when and how to protect), and ways to acquire and manage research and development projects whose results can be protected in a proper and timely manner from the point of view of intellectual property protection. Intellectual property is a type of property that is the product of human intelligence and is the name of the legal concept that protects intellectual activity or knowledge. The legal concept defines the rights of the author over his intellectual creations and the rights of public access to these creations. It protects knowledge in order to promote the dissemination and use of intellectual creations and to encourage fair trade, which contributes to the economic and social development of society.

Content of lectures

  • Innovation and innovation-related concepts,
  • types of intellectual property,
  • Intellectual property offices (Slovenian, European, international),
  • Copyright,
  • industrial property (patent, design, trademark, geographical indication)
  • topography of semiconductor circuits,
  • Innovation and EU projects (Framework Programmes, Cohesion Fund and Structural Funds).


  • Applied electromagnetics
  • Mathematical practice


  • Refresh the laws of electromagnetism,
  • learn numerical procedures for analysing electromagnetic problems,
  • use Mathematica and/or Matlab,
  • carry out a short analysis of the chosen electromagnetic problem,
  • acquire a good basis for cycle 2 studies.

Acquired competences

  • Ability to define, understand, analyse and interpret problems in electrical engineering – electromagnetics in industry,
  • ability to use Mathematica and/or Matlab,
  • a deeper understanding of electrical engineering and numerical mathematics, facilitating the continuation of studies at the 2nd Bologna level

Valuing knowledge

  • A joint seminar assignment in both subjects,
  • a minor electromagnetic problem of your choice,
  • final overall grade = seminar paper + its defence.

Special features

  • Parallel progression of the two subjects, complementing each other.

Module G: Cyber Security

Module G deals comprehensively with cyber security in modern ICT systems and in everyday life. It provides the basic technical knowledge needed to protect information systems and communication networks. In addition, it also addresses interdisciplinary aspects, without knowledge of which safety cannot be guaranteed. These include: human psychology (the most vulnerable element of modern ICT systems is the human), law and economics.

The module contains two subjects:

  • Cyber ​​security of information and communication systems

In this course, you will learn the technical basics of cyber security in the context of modern communication technologies and information systems. We will discuss local area networks, the Internet, and wireless and mobile systems in more detail. We will continue with the security of modern services and applications, with a special emphasis on web technologies and cloud systems, and we will also look at the basics of secure development practices and system protection.

  • Interdisciplinary aspects of cyber security

In this course, you will learn about the non-technical dimensions of cyber security. We will look at how human factors and psychology affect the vulnerability of systems, how cybercrime is regulated and prosecuted by law, and how cyber security affects the economy and the performance of companies. You’ll learn from real-world examples while developing the critical thinking skills essential for cybersecurity professionals.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411