Laboratory of Automationand Cybernetics

Our laboratory is dedicated to modern methods of computer modelling, simulation and control of systems.

While we have a long tradition in this field, we have also been working on autonomous mobile systems for the last ten years. In addition to more conventional approaches, our research also uses modern adaptive, predictive, multivariable and hybrid modelling and control approaches, as well as approaches from artificial intelligence such as fuzzy logic, artificial neural networks and expert systems.

These methods are used in many fields: systems control, thermal processes (in buildings, industrial processes), mobile systems, aerospace, bio- and pharmacogenomics, medicine, etc.

The laboratory covers a large part of the teaching process at the higher professional studies, majoring in Automatics, at the university first cycle studies, majoring in Automatics, at the university master studies, majoring in Automatics and Informatics, and at the doctoral studies.

General about automation

Job opportunities

The President: Prof. dr. Igor Škrjanc, univ. dipl. Eng. in Electrical Engineering



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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411