Laboratory of MicrosensorStructures and Electronics

The Laboratory of Microsensor Structures and Electronics (LMSE) covers research and development of semiconductor structures, (smart) sensors, actuators, micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), and their electronics, from theoretical analyses to the development of test structures and elements, their characterization, and optimization.

Typical LMSE products are based on microfabrication of silicon and related materials and include photosensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, radiation sensors, 3D MEMS structures, microreactors, microfluidic structures, and more.

LMSE also fosters active collaboration with students and young researchers interested in these research areas.

Piezoelectric Elastomeric Micropumps

Micropumps are fundamental components of microfluidic systems. Due to their small size, energy efficiency, low cost, high performance, and reliability, they are increasingly expanding into significant areas of human activity (lubrication systems, cooling systems, energy, biomedicine, chemical engineering, pharmaceuticals).

At LMSE, we have developed new types of micropumps with corresponding control modules, offering greater functionality, lower manufacturing costs, and superior performance and reliability compared to competing products. We enhance micropumps with advanced integration of other fluidic, sensor, and heating microelements for specialized applications.



  • mag. Uroš Aljančič univ. dipl. inž. el.
  • prof. dr. Slavko Amon univ. dipl. fiz.
  • Matjaž Cvar inž. kem
  • izr. prof. dr. Matej Možek univ. dipl. inž. el.
  • as. dr. Borut Pečar univ. dipl. inž. el.
  • znan. svet. dr. Drago Resnik univ. dipl. inž. el.
  • znan. svet. dr. Danilo Vrtačnik univ. dipl. inž. el.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411