Laboratory ofElectric Power Supply
Laboratory of Electric Power Supply (LPEE) is specialised in the study of the “behaviour” of electric power systems (EPS). We look at an EES as a device, and seek to answer the question “What happens in or to an EES when a change or fault occurs, and how to prevent the subsequent faulty state and/or reaction of an EES”. In other words, we are interested in how to integrate a power plant, a line, a device. How it will affect the existing overall system. How to coordinate the devices so that they “work together” and do not “fight” each other. How the EES will react to failures and whether the EES will “survive” the disturbance.
These questions have never been more important for modern society as we are becoming entirely dependent on electricity and the transition to carbon-free sources is a major unknown.
The answers we seek are not easy to come by. That’s why we use state-of-the-art tools to illustrate EES behaviour in the form of simulated phenomena or real-time simulation, where specialised equipment simulates EES dynamics at the speed of nature and the connected test subject “thinks” they are in a real system. Even the most expensive equipment does not produce results on its own, which is why we see our greatest capital in knowledge, which we are constantly “renewing” through our work with young people on projects, diplomas and PhDs. This strategy is clearly working and is reflected in the many student and research awards.
The basis of research in LPEE are projects for EES maintainers and planners, EES operators in Slovenia and abroad, research institutions, the EU, etc.