
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Maribor and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Ljubljana, in sponsorship and cooperation with the CIGRE-CIRED National Committee, award the traditional Bedjanič Awards for PhD and MSc theses in the fields of electrical power engineering and automation.

Over the years, the prize has become recognised, particularly in business sector and in the electrical engineering science as one of the few prizes in the field of engineering, awarded for academic achievements that also represent economic or technological utility. Most of the prizewinners are today eminent researchers, university professors, businessmen and experts with an international reputation in European and world professional associations. This guarantees that this year’s winners will also have promising careers, especially in times of global change, when knowledge is one of the key comparative advantages for faster development and global competitiveness.

Prize winners from our faculty

The PhD thesis prize was awarded to Jan Močnik.

The PhD thesis prize was awarded to Tadej Škrjanc.

The PhD thesis prize was awarded to Mitja Antončič.

Nagradi za magistrsko delo sta prejela:

  • Luka Zidarič, mag. inž. el., pod mentorstvom doc. dr. Urbana Rudeža in somentorstvom Petra Simončiča za delo z naslovom Vztrajnostne mase v elektroenergetskem sistemu Slovenije .
  • Blaž Okorn, mag. inž. el., pod mentorstvom prof. dr. Mateja Zajca in somentorstvom prof. dr. Nermina Suljanovića za delo z naslovom Koordinacija aktivnih odjemalcev s platformo Etherum.

The PhD thesis prize was awarded to Mitja Kolenc.


The PhD thesis prize was awarded to Gorazd Bone.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411