Public information catalogue

Catalogue of public information of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

1. Basic Catalogue information

Name of the institution:

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

Tel: 01 4768 411


Responsible official: prof. dr. Marko Topič, Dean

Date of first publication of the catalogue: 30 November 2005

Date of last change: 5 December 2023

The catalogue is available online at Public information catalogue


2. General information about the Organization and the public information at its disposal

2.a Organigram and details of the organisation of the Institute

Brief description of the institution’s field of work:The Faculty of Electrical Engineering is an educational and scientific research institution.

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering is a full member of the University of Ljubljana. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering (UL FE) implements the national programme of higher education and the national programme of research and development work, and carries out other activities stipulated by the Statutes of the University of Ljubljana and the Rules on the Organisation and Functioning of the UL FE.

The national higher education programme is implemented according to the principle of the autonomy of the profession and the principle of the parenthood, which is based on the registered activity of UL FE within the framework of the decree on the transformation of the University of Ljubljana and the decision of the Senate of the University of Ljubljana. Undergraduate and postgraduate education, professional development and training organised and provided by UL FE is classified in the field of study (52) technical sciences (electrical engineering) in accordance with the ISCED 1997 classification (Professional Basis for the National Higher Education Programme in the Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Education, 1997).

It shares its scientific achievements with other faculties, universities, scientific research institutions and industry. It works intensively with businesses and service providers in both public and private sectors, with government and local communities, and with other civil society institutions.

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering is committed to promoting the institution and its teachers, researchers, students and other collaborators at home and abroad.

List of all internal organisational units

The bodies of the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering are:

1. Dean: prof. dr. Marko Topič
Contact person: Martina Absec – secretary.
tel: 01 4768 211

2. Senate
Contact person: Martina Absec – secretary.
tel: 01 4768 211

3. Academic Assembly: prof. dr. Damijan Miljavec – President of the Academic Assembly
Contact person: Martina Absec – secretary.
tel: 01 4768 211

4. Management Board
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Janez Bešter – Chairman of the Governing Board
Tel: 01 4768 431

5. Students’ Council
Contact person: Jaka Šter – president of the Students’ Council.
tel: 01 4768 706

Organigram: Organigram

Energy Performance Certificate

2.b Contact details of person in charge for providing the information

Person in charge: Tea Urankar, Secretary of Member VII/2
Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana
tel: 01 4768 102

2.c List of laws, regulations and European Community rules in the Authority’s field of work (via the national, local or European Register of Regulations)

Internal rules:

National rules:

EU regulations


2.d List of strategic and programming documents by thematic strand

  • UL FE Development Strategy,
  • Guidelines for assessment and quality assurance at UL.

2.e Catalogue of administrative, judicial or legislative proceedings conducted by the Authority

  • Application and admission procedure for entry to the first and upper years of higher education,
  • the process of recognition and evaluation of education,
  • elections to the titles of higher education teachers, scientific workers and associates (habilitations), Habilitation areas of UL members,
  • procedure for withdrawal of professional title,
  • proceedings for breaches of duty and failure to comply with student obligations,
  • the procedure of processing student applications,
  • the student complaints procedure.

2.f List of public records managed by the Authority

List of records

  • Records kept by the Faculty on the basis of the Act on Higher Education (chapter on collection and protection of personal data, Articles 81 and 81a),
  • Records of first- and second-instance decisions issued in the process of the recognition of education,
  • UL FE Library Membership Register,
  • Register of candidates for Member awards and prizes,
  • Records of students registered for and enrolled in courses,
  • Employee records,
  • Occupational health and safety records,
  • Records of remuneration and reimbursement of labour costs,
  • Video surveillance records,
  • Register of UL FE Alumni Club members

2.g List of other digitalised databases

UL FE property inventory (in preparation).

2.h Main content of other public information or list of individual documents

Information sets – following a structured description of the Authority’s area of work

3. Description of how to access other public information

Description of access to each set of information:

Most public information is available electronically via the UL FE website at any time. Public information in physical form is available on weekdays during office hours at the UL FE headquarters, Tržaška cesta 25, Ljubljana (contact: 01 4768 211).
If the information is of public interest in both electronic and physical form, the applicant may choose the form in which they wish to receive the information. If the public information is in electronic form only or in physical form only and the authority has the technological capacity to carry out the necessary conversion, the applicant may choose the form, in which case the authority shall charge the material costs of the conversion from electronic to physical form or from physical form to electronic form in accordance with the Regulation on the provision and re-use of public information.

4. Price list

The prices of material costs for the provision of public information are as follows (excluding VAT):

Price (excluding VAT)
one page of a photocopy or A4 print 0,06 EUR
one page of photocopy or A3 print 0,13 EUR
one page of photocopy or large print 1,25 EUR
one page of a colour photocopy or A4 print 0,63 EUR
one page of a colour photocopy or A3 print 1,25 EUR
one page of a colour photocopy or large print 2,50 EUR
electronic recording on one CD 2,09 EUR
electronic recording on one DVD-R 2,92 EUR
electronic record on one USB stick the price at which the USB stick was purchased by the authority
converting one page of an A4 document from physical to electronic format 0,08 EUR
converting one page of an A3 document from physical to electronic format 0,20 EUR
postage for sending information by post in accordance with the current postal price list

5. List of the most frequently requested public information

List of the most frequently requested information or topics (automatically generated list, determined by the demand for the information)

  • Information on study programmes,
  • information about the Student Services Office,
  • how the faculty is organised,
  • information on activities for primary and high school students.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411