

Documents required for entering personal bibliographies in COBISS:

Records are NOT CREATED in the COBISS system for:

  • organization of events/conferences
  • awards (information about awards belongs in the biographies)
  • passwords in encyclopedias, lexicons, etc., which contain less than 200 characters and the authorship is not evident
  • unpublished materials for consultations, symposia, conferences
  • longer stays at foreign universities (data belong in biographies)

Such information belongs to BIOGRAPHY.


The relevance of the assigned scientific typology for each field is subsequently verified and validated by the Central Specialised Information Centres (OSIC-i).

In case the author does not agree with the revised typology by OSIC, they have the possibility to appeal:

  1. first to OSIC, which verified and validated the document,
  2. if they still disagree with the OSIC’s explanation, they can appeal to the relevant Scientific Research Council of one of the following disciplines of the ARRS: natural sciences, engineering, medicine and health, biotechnology, social sciences, humanities, interdisciplinary research

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E: T:  01 4768 411