

  • DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books)
    Open Access Books – beta version
  • EBSCOhost e-Book Collection
    The EBSCOhost eBook Collection used to be called NetLibrary. 370 books purchased by UL libraries can only be used by one user at a time. Up to 60 pages per book can be printed and/or emailed in pdf format to the user’s email address. Each book can be searched for individual words and an English-English dictionary is available. Available via DiKUL and/or Remote Access.
  • IEEE/IET Electronic Library – Conference Publications (IEEE, IET, VDE)
    Accessible via DiKUL and/or Remote Access.
  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (PQDT Global) is the world’s most comprehensive collection of doctoral and master’s theses and dissertations. It contains bibliographic data on almost 4 million theses from universities in 88 countries since 1743, with an annual growth of around 100,000 new records.
    The collection is accessible via the Proquest user interface at the University of Ljubljana, CTK and NUK locations and by remote access for all members of the University of Ljubljana, CTK and NUK libraries.
  • ScienceDirect Journal & Books
    E-books in the fields of computer science, computer engineering, energy, mechanical engineering, chemistry, chemical engineering, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology and ecology. The consortium is led by CTK. Accessible via the DiKUL portal and/or Remote Access.
  • SpringerLink
    full-text books published from 2005-2012 (copyright). Available via DiKUL and/or Remote Access.

E-textbooks, e-encyclopaedias, e-manuals …

  • IATE – Inter Active Terminology for Europe provides a multilingual dictionary of technical terms appearing in European Union regulations, recommendations and other documents. It provides translation into the 24 languages of the European Community. The collection is freely accessible.
  • Eurocorpus is a bilingual collection of parallel corpora of translations (Slovene-English, Slovene-French, Slovene-German, Slovene-Spanish) produced by the Translation Division of the Slovenian Government Office for European Affairs (GGEO). The collection is freely accessible.
  • Electropedia – The World’s Online Electrotechnical Vocabulary is a multilingual dictionary in the field of electrical and electronic engineering. Some areas also contain Slovenian terminology. The dictionary is maintained by the IEC.
  • Oxford English Dictionary Online (OED)
    The electronic form of the Oxford English Dictionary (2nd edition), the most authoritative and comprehensive dictionary of the English language. The collection is available at the University of Ljubljana, CTK and NUK locations, and with remote access for students and staff from the University of Ljubljana.

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E:  dekanat@fe.uni-lj.si T:  01 4768 411