
E-magazines packages

  • ACM Digital Library is a comprehensive information resource for the field of computer science and information technology. It provides access to bibliographic and full-text data for all ACM publications, as well as to an extensive collection of bibliographic records of the core literature of various scientific publishers in the field of computer science. The collection is accessible at the University of Ljubljana, CTK and NUK locations, or for enrolled students and UL employees via the UL Remote Access to Information Resources service.
  • ACS – Online Package (American Chemical Society) Access from computers on the university computer network or via the UL Remote Access to UL Information Resources service for UL students and staff.
  • DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) Open Access
  • EBSCOhost Databases (Academic Search Complete, Academic Search Premier, Business Search Premier, Communication & Mass Media Complete, MEDLINE, GreenFILE …)
    The collections are accessible via the EBSCOHost user interface at the University of Ljubljana, CTK and NUK locations and via remote access for students and staff of the University of Ljubljana who are members of the UL Libraries.
  • Emerald Fulltext  is full off scientific and technical articles from MCB Press journals. Access from computers on the university computer network or Remote Access to UL Information Resources for UL students and staff.
  • IEEE Xplore Digital Library The IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL), a digital collection on the IEEE Xplore Digital Library platform for the fields of electrical engineering, electronic components and technology, manufacturing technologies and systems, electrical devices, computer and information science, is a core, high-quality, full-text collection of articles from IEEE and IET journals, proceedings, and standards. Content is available from 1988, and some selected documents are even older.
    The collection is available at the University of Ljubljana, CTK and NUK locations and for students and staff of the University of Ljubljana who are members of the UL Libraries via the UL Remote Access to Information Resources service.
  • IOPscience (Institute of Physics IOPscience) is a service that provides access to 99 e-journal titles in the fields of engineering, science and medicine. Access is possible from computers on the university computer network and via Remote Access for UL students and staff.
  • IOS Press An interdisciplinary package (81 journal titles) in the fields of life sciences, computer science, medicine and informatics. The journals are also available via remote access for UL students and staff.
  • JSTOR (Journal Storage) is an archive for searching and reading the full text of more than 1100 scientific journals in various fields such as: anthropology, archaeology, economics and entrepreneurship, philosophy, music, education, linguistics and literature, mathematics, natural sciences, political science, law, sociology, art and art history, history … accessed from computers in the university’s computer network or through the UL Remote Access to UL’s Information Resources service for students and UL staff.
  • Nature Publishing Group (NPG) and the list of included journals – Publications A-Z Index
  • Oxford Journals Online is a database for searching and reading full-text articles from over 300 high-quality journals published by Oxford University Press. It covers various fields in medicine, biological sciences, mathematics and physics, law, humanities and social sciences. The journals are available on a fluent basis from 1996 onwards, or later if they were published after that year (COSEC). Access from the University of Ljubljana, CTK and NUK locations. Remote access for students and staff of UL or who are members of the UL, CTK and NUK libraries. Access from the University of Ljubljana, CTK and NUK locations.
  • ProQuest (ProQuest Online Information Service) allows you to search the ProQuest Central and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses – A&I databases separately or simultaneously. Full-text articles can be viewed online, printed or emailed. Remote access to UL information resources for UL students and staff.
  • SAGE Premier (full-text articles from about 390 titles of SAGE journals in the social sciences, humanities, engineering and medicine)
    access from computers in the university computer network since 1999 or via the Remote Access to UL Information Resources service for UL students and staff.
  • ScienceDirect In 2015, University of Ljubljana users have access to the “Freedom Collection”, which includes around 2,000 titles of high-quality journals in the fields of engineering, natural sciences and other disciplines. Subscribed journals are available from 1995 or for the current year and up to a 5-year archive from the year of subscription. Titles not subscribed to by any UL member are available for the last 5 years. Access is from computers on the University’s computer network or via the UL Remote Access to UL Information Resources service for UL students and staff.
  • SpringerLINK (Springer’s journal package) access from computers on the university’s computer network or Remote Access to UL Information Resources for UL students and staff.
  • WileyOnline Library Access from computers on the university computer network since 1999 or Remote Access to UL information resources for UL students and staff.

Individual e-magazines

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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Tržaška cesta 25, 1000 Ljubljana

E:  dekanat@fe.uni-lj.si T:  01 4768 411